Thursday, May 12, 2016

How to Recognize the Devil Lesson 7 by WaziRi GuRu Varick Choice

Galatians 5:19-21 When you follow the desires of your sinful nature your lives will produce these evil results: Sexual immorality, impure thoughts, eagerness for lustful pleasure, idolatry, participation in demonic activity, hostility, quarreling, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambition, divisions, the feeling everyone is wrong except those in your own little group, envy, drunkenness, wild parties, and other kinds of sin. This is How you recognize the devil in yourself and in others. Lesson 7  
             Recognizing the devil is simplicity of knowing yourself in order to know others.  You have to have works with faith so you have to know what you are working for in order to establish your works with faith to recognize the devil. In order to know yourself you have to know your culture because your works of building yourself up is to build yourself up in your culture. Well our culture is Fluid Elapse Ability and we identify ourselves as Blackcoloured people we define ourselves through the departments of Fluid Elapse Ability.
            Our social club and political alliance is Proficientaccost Political Alliance, Our Advocate is Educational Advocate of Community Legislation Healing, Our Church, Medical field and government is Fluid Elapse Ability the Martial Art in Church, Our multimedia is Epithetical Abacus, Our police or security force is Purgation Cleaning Security, Our Business and Industry is Choice,Varick Generator's & Turbine's.  If you want to see a proposal for the whole business of Fluid Elapse Ability you can find the Talk off Proposal in Proficientaccost website at and go to the talk off proposal.
            Yes you have to find yourself in your culture and then you can better apply Galatians 5:19-21 to your social life, business life, family life, personal life, Church life , Martial Artist life, and government life to recognize the devil.  Stop blaming every thing on the devil for you have to look in the mirror. When you see people or individuals acting out like it explains in Galatians you know they are full of the devil and it will be in every part of your life with out a real Culture and Church family who is building with you in works and faith building more then a one building to come together in but we need to build a whole community and be together in.
            This is how you make your judgement and decision based on a exercise in Fluid Elapse Ability Maneuver(ing) it goes like this:

1. Being mean is always right or correct for the ends always justify the mean.

2. Jealous is placed on the scale weighing fair or just which is correct or Ok anything outside fair or just is always wrong. 

3. Ornery is always wrong for it is done out of can do with know resolution.

Now applying those three factors of decision on judgement can be use for every person and everything. I have wrote 3 text books to teach people to conquer them self and do have classes that are better in instruction for everything I am teaching and much more.
You have to realize that all things is in a continuous flux that is stability, and stability is an illusion only made to be true in fact that stability is real only through change and that change and Logos are real stability because that is what builds life, love, and living. Logos is define as the laws of nature with a divine mind identified in the Universe. 
            You have to be able to define yourself and others as introvert or extrovert because they are to different behaviors and people will need different and are not being the devil it is just their make up of who they are in psyche as a introvert or an extrovert.
          We all have to have root put on us. Some people get their roots put on and do not see nor hear the pervading influences that are there and other do know. When people find out a pervading influences is doing something to their body they usually get scared, panic etc. But this is what roots are they are in your penis and vagina that make them work and full and fulfilled. This is one of the reasons Jesus explains life is in the blood. You want your penis and vagina working perfect with blood, not other gadgets you want to be made perfect. So when you hear somebody getting roots put on them it is not always bad. Then there is evil put on your penis and vagina evil is not bad. Evil is like your sense and nerves being work on to make them better and it is a lot of different evil out there for your whole body parts. Evil is not bad it is those that work evil that is good or bad. If they put the evil on you perfect then they are good, or righteous, or godly if they put the evil on you in error or wrong they are the devil and is bad.  Here a better look at what I saying below about roots.

          Now we know there is more then one God and they are Gods help. We do not know the name of God because God has to many names for us to call on and we don't know which one we need for one reason or another hence God will do for us what we can not do for ourselves. This is the 72 names of God again you would have to take a class with me seeking for me to explain it further the point in this lesson is how you recognize the devil and not everything and everyone is the devil. A lot of time you will run from God cause you don't know what is going on with you and it is scary.

Once again when we talk about God I can not tell you much about God but I can tell you about God with us and we are the temple of God body, mind, soul and spirit. Yes this is the 72 names of God and it has to do with your body, mind, soul and spirit. We are the gods and goddesses of this planet made in the image of God so do you get it? We are made in the image of God and this is the 72 names of God. God made you perfect but you are not fully grown at 21 nor 25 God is working on you all the time you have to live long for God to have his perfect works on you hence faith with works doing for ourselves what we can do to live a long life as humanity as the gardener(s) and craftsman(s) of the planet and world a duty God gave us to help him help us.

Love in any direction is the same Evol and Evol is living so it's live Evil of which we need it in our life but it's just efil again hence the madness living is Life and LIFE is worth living and we love to live. We are trapped not know but feel, feel as it bring thoughts which bring action and that is who we are. Hence we are so easy to be toyed with and with out a true Praxis. Fluid Elapse Ability is the Praxis to balance your body, mind, soul, and spirit with God and your psyche. The psyche is your center, it is your Universe it has all of you with all that you come by and touch and all that come by and touch you.

Money is not bad or evil and money solves all problems. Please read John, and John 1,2,and 3. Your getting there do the study and each lesson after lesson you will awaken.
The Martial Art In Church Fluid Elapse Ability bring you closer to the truth and understanding.

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