Saturday, May 21, 2016

Work with Faith Ministry Empowered by God's Spirit for Ministry Lesson 8 by WaziRi GuRu Varick C Choice

The Spirit of God Rests upon God with us and has been given to the members of Fluid Elapse Ability for service and ministry in Life, Love, and Living. God with Us begins our ministry with the word from Isaiah 61:1-2 for the true nature and essence of ministry are captured by the word in text, " The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because the lord has appointed me to comfort the brokenhearted and to announce that captive will be released and prisoners will be freed. He has sent me to tell those who mourn that the time of the Lord's favor has come, and with it, the day of God's anger against their enemies. Yes works with faith healing, mending, and repairing Ministry. Lesson 8

            Bring the truth and love is bring the good news and that good news must be brought to everybody especially to the spiritually poor and the naturally poor. God's Spirit's of anointing empowers his members of works with faith to comfort the brokenhearted, mourning, grieving, bare witness over wrong, error, bad, and the ornery. God's Holy Spirit's bring liberty and freedom into our live, life, love, and living when we live as gods and goddesses obeying God's ten commandments and indulge in building a perfect civilization as God commanded us to do for we are forged in God's image and should dwell on earth as it is in heaven. Yes this is where we are at we must be the peace makers and build to perfection.
            You are a vessel of God broken and pour out as body, mind, soul, and spirit as the temple of God. Thus I love you in the 72 names of God yes I love you with the 72 names of God as you are a god or a goddesses built in the 72 names of God.
Yes the 72 names of God is your body, mind, soul and spirit. God's Spirit's upon us as the God with Us brings justice into our lives the justice of God's truth reveals every prejudice and hateful thought. God's Spirit's searches our hearts and minds and uncovers every hidden thought and feeling hence God with Us taught us not to defile nor defame our hearts and mind so you can come to the truth and consent to wholesome words and never argue over words. We must stand well verse for the power is in the word meaning the language we speak and the defining and knowledge of every word is important thus God hate when people pervert the language and misled the people through trickery and deceit out of simplicity which is to live with in the perfection of ourselves as his creation as boy and girl in God's image as gods or goddesses being the garderner(s) and craftsman(s) of this world and taking good care of each other as humanity hence the ten commandments and everything God has taught us. It is when you start living your life out of God's simplicity you self destruct and many turn and blame God for all the harm they have done to themselves and others as if they have no free will or self control. You can not obtain a perfect world in God's perfect creation if you choose to walk unjustly with others in your groups, friendships, circle, government, family etc..., We are humanity and any prejudice against humanity be it color or gender is a crime against God's perfection of us as humanity in live, life, love and living and keep us from pure heaven born love expressed in simplicity it is the 72 names of God. God said let us make man in OUR IMAGE.  God with us is Jesus and Jesus told us he come back like a thief in the night thus you should know like Jesus told us he can be a boy or a girl and thus Jesus have come back over and over again and the religion of today still can not recognize their Lord and savior because they all claim Jesus still has not return but he has over and over again but the religions will not work for Jesus of today who is God with us. If you have been doing your studies from lesson 1 to 7 you should be following what I am telling you. If you still do not understand you have to take a class with me the ExpoundReformer WaziRi GuRu Deacon Varick C. Choice.

             So Wake up how are you going to keep going against the Great cheisher and sustainer of our life, love and living master of the Universe the air and pervading influences that nourish your body, mind, soul and spirit manifesting in God the Creator, God the Ancestral, God the Holy Ghost, God the Holy Spirit.
            The 4 Laws of Fluid Elapse Ability must be apply to the ten commandments so you stand ready as Warriors of God's building in simple truth as the gods or goddesses of the earth staying far away from religion and the defiling of your hearts and minds. The 4 Laws of Fluid Elapse Ability read as follows:

1. You must have appliable adaptability in order to change with change. Especially with change in cultural and technological transition.

2. Empty your mind be formless be shapeless as water fluid as air. Yes in matter of style, and prestige do you in matters of principle stand like a rock.   

3. Hands and feet and the human body is formed for function each part has it's own purpose for it's own essence to bring the body together as one. You must stay whole as the temple of God and bring yourself together as whole holy in body, mind, soul, spirit.

4. Energy is not created nor destroyed it is shared in a perfect balance in a perfect cycle, build your habitat and create a beautiful ORA. The building blocks to all life is boy and girl respect yourself and your sphere in life and respect the opposite sex sphere and properly build together in Fluid Elapse Ability.

Work on practicing the 4 laws of Fluid Elapse Ability in praxis in you live, life, love, and living. Refuse to be misled and have God's will for your life complicated by the trickery of religion, homosexuality, witch crafts, and others self-righteousness, yes live in the perfection God made you in and enjoy pure heaven born love.  
The Martial Art In Church Fluid Elapse Ability Practice in Praxis

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