Tuesday, October 4, 2016

ORa Your Ozone of Aura Lesson 15 by the WaziRi GuRu Varick Choice

            Your Ora is is your personal and private force field with atmosphere of your body, mind, soul, and spirit. Yes Ora is spelled correct for the power is in the word O-Ra. Your Ora is your force field a protective force that protect working as your ozone. 

Your ozone is as the earth ozone around the earth it hold you together in life force energy surrounding your body in a perfect sphere. Your Ora is a very reactive form of air or atmosphere with electric discharge surrounding you in within your body planes and with in your Ora you have troposphere, stratosphere, and ozone and the mix of air and pervading influence that animates the body give off an aura as your Ora acts as a prism. 

We are connected to the heavens and our aura is our personal aurora filled with beautiful colors like in a rainbow.  Yes your aura acts as an aurora from the same energies and air or pervading influences that make an Aurora in the sky.  An Aurora is a display of lights in the night sky of northern latitudes at the top half of the earth; high altitude or air especially radiation make many colors flashing luminosity visible in the night skies of the polar particles especially of solar origin into the earth's magnetic field make light compare to a rainbow of air glowing acting in the same manor as our aura inside our Ora being a distinctive atmosphere of the individual body giving off luminous radiation an invisible breath or emanation acting and being active and reactive with your magnetic flux.

 Your influences such as mode, feeling, mood, personality, Yin & Yang or male & female entity , emotions, key, chi, ki, and psyche help make up the aura you give of  and can change the color of your aura with the changes in mode, or mood of your influences. 
Here is how they break it down different from Fluid Elapse Ability and make it more confusing taking God out of it.  You have to remember a rainbow can be broken down like this as it's prism brake down the light.  We or our body is our world and planet the Ora is ozone and inside that ozone is air or atmosphere with your own magnetic field your Ora hold all your personal life energy in and your radiation mixed with gases or air given off by the body mixed with your magnetic field and your electricity make the air or atmosphere become luminosity with in your troposphere, stratosphere, and ozone. All they are doing is calling your Ora = Ketheric Template and braking down the rainbow of color fusion of light mixing making the color of the rainbow and that is so incomplete.  So this chart is so you can understand them and the Fluid Elapse Ability way of explaining the Ora and Aura in the ORa. Hope this gives you better understanding.

With this Chart they are trying to explain how mode and mood can change the colors of your Aura inside your Ora. As mode or mood change the gases, electric energy, and radiation you give off change hence affecting the colors of your Aura.

God is a Fluid Elapse Ability of Powers, Works, and Energies that is to much to even try to explain for God breathed his breath in us to animate us to life just as he breathed fire into the Universe and the Light gave birth to Angels and the Earth gave birth to man and the Fire gave birth to Demons. This chart is to show the mode & mood emotional balance of color in your Aura. 

God is always God and God do not change but gave us life with his breath; that breath is what gave us life the Ra or Ruah of O. Again God is to much for me to explain God I just can explain God with us as we are his creation. Now YHWH father is EL O HIM and in the bible they say a lot of O for O God, O Israel etc; the word for human is Adam and the word for God is EL so the power is in the word ORa for O is the meaning of God with us. Remember God said let us make man in our image. Yes the power is in the word ora has the meaning for mouth or plural like language or the word as more then one mouth. God is spelled with capital letter hence the big O and Ra being the breath breathing in and out our nose and body and also as God being Spirit the spelling of ORa is correct and pronounced O-Ra. I left it at ora in the beginning so you can wonder what I'm talking about and ketch on at the end to have full understanding of the ORa.

There is so many name of God that this chart don't even begin to tap into every name, but these is what most go by today. Each word for God is really saying something about what God do so no matter the name you will see alot in the spelling YA, EL, O, HIM. That 4 you will see all the time but we all speak different language so YA may be JA, GA, or HIM my be MMMM, HUM, and etc.

 O and Ra are Gods and we know the Ra is air flow energizing the body and O being as the Lord of all Lords with us so we are made of God and God said his spirit could not take man living more then a 120 years because of all the events and going on in the bible. 

Yes it is because of those who started worship and spiritual prostitution we die; those that war against God perfect creation because the flesh is weak meaning we do what feels good so to be homosexual they warred against God to be like the Most High and ruin pure heaven born love as the 2 powers now of Good and Bad and the creation grew and traveled together in Sin, Passion, and Despair. When something is perfect you can not improve it or make it better to add or change something just takes it out of it's perfection.This chart again is just explain colors with mode and mood of emotions.

We must be loved in the 72 names of God we must be loved with the 72 names of God and all is Gods so no one really can get away from God or they die hence the Bad has to travel with the Good or face extinction because we are nothing with out God. So yes Homosexuality is the bad the devil the trick the trap that travels with the good that brings us to sickness, disease, psychosis, and death bringing us out of the perfection of our creations they are the rebellious the bible speak of men and women warring against God for immoral sensuality. We are made mortal and immortal and because of worship and warring against God perfection we die by death of the body and die to the world we know today and live immortal life in death.  If they had not warred against God we stay mortal and immortal in the body and live forever.

The Twelve Principles of Virtual Pleasure is how they toy with us trying to say who sex is the best but the truth is we all feel good and they take your ability of being whole or wholly away as those who work evil or learn to work your sense's. Evil is LIVE and LIFE is EFIL and EVOL is LOVE this is how the devil be like the most high controlling and taking away you sense of LIVE,LIFE,LOVE and tricking you he is better and for you to want EVIL,EFIL,EVOL which is still all of you. Your feelings and emotions is part of the breath of God as air consist of many different particles and pervading influence's such as static, electricity, magnetism, suffix chemicals, etc and that makes everything in the world thus there is spirits, souls, and minds in the air as well; All a part of the breath of God; so you should kind of see now how God spoke everything into existence. We are Body, Mind, Soul, and Spirit the temple of God, Yes we are God Dwelling place and God is the Creator, the Ancestor, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Ghost of us. You see God is Fluid Elapse Ability yes Fluid, air, pervading influences, Spirit, Soul, Mind,; Yes God is Elapse, time and space, magnetic flux; And Yes God is Ability the Power to do Anything.

This chart is the keys in Fluid Elapse Ability from the Phrenological Chart or Organs. Number 33 is Key 33 is Language the eyes and so on all part of the 72 names of God in explanation from Fluid Elapse Ability so you can better understand you are the temple of God and how you are the temple of God.

Your body plane's are also part of the 72 names of God but I want to save the explanation of body plane for when I start to teach

exercise and the Martial Arts. There is much more to the body plane then what you see but this is the basic body plane your ORa surrounds your private space.  This is the point to intimacy who you allow in your space remember it is your personal world and planet. Family is always close because we always allow them in our personal space with happiness in the most moral way of true joy of life, love, and living.  That keeps us strong and health body, mind, soul, and spirit. Hence the purpose of creating a untrusting world to rob us of the true joy of humanity and the perfection of God creation. Yes I love you in the 72 names of God Yes I love you with the 72 names of God.

This is how they explain the 72 names of God to you in the chart below. Most will never understand it.

I hope you are enjoying each lesson from The WaziRi GuRu Varick Camron Choice and I hope they help heal you as a blessing from Jesus who fought to heal us from religious lies and all the man made religious burdens put on us. One Love.

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