Thursday, October 20, 2016

Who are we ? Lesson 16 by the Waziri GuRu

Who are we as members of Fluid Elapse Ability? Who are we as the Church? Who are we as non-profit? Who are we as profit? Who are we as a Business? Who are we as a Peacemaker?.  All will be answered in this Lesson 16 because it is time for the house of the righteous to rule and govern the earth and We are the godly, the righteous, and the upright. We are Blackcolour People the Tribe of Fluid Elapse Ability the melting pot of the rainbow color of Flesh from Black & White person's and every color person's in between of the United States Of America.

            We are True PeaceMakers Standing in Charisma. We are Proficientaccost Political Alliance a department of Fluid Elapse Ability Martial Art In Church that put us in public office as employees, Mayors, Governors, Senators, House of Representatives, lobbyist & lobbyer, on cabinets, common council, alderman and alderwomen etc. Yes we are the Warrior class for God living the way God and Jesus instructed us to live and be a Tribe breeding in building an environment of a perfect society to have life, love and living more abundantly in a perfect civilization of economical socialization  of the United States of American citizens and tribe. 

            We are the house of the righteous who have inherited the earth.  We are the house of the righteous who will rule and govern this country and world to end all crime by delegating truth and love with mercy grace and peace to solve all the problem and corruption of the corrupted hearts and minds in our perfect Government here in the United States of America. We are a Social Club and Political Alliance that work for God and the Tribe of Blackcolour people Fluid Elapse Ability in the United States.  We will put an end to the Enslavement of Capitalism and reinforce our government in the truth as a Tribal government and the tribe is the United State's Citizen. We will put our people in office so the house of the righteous will rule and we will end once and for all the hidden system of enslavement by capitalism so we will end inflation, we will end the lie of a deficit, we will end interest on debts owed on your credit report we will end minimum wage hikes. We will end the employer being forced to be the citizen government. We will end the citizen being force to be the employers slave. We will build our world as the gods and goddesses of our world making everything about the quality of life for all citizens of the United States through science, technology, and agriculture proving our faith by doing the works for we are obedient to God as Gardener's and Craftsmen to honor and respect ourselves and God as we are the image of God.  

 We are the Martial Art In Church Expound Reforming the church to escape the evil design of religion and the religious. Fluid Elapse Ability Martial Art In Church is one business with many departments as School, Social Club, Cleaning Company, Security Company, Political Alliance, Education Advocate, Community Center, MultiMedia, Culture, Tribe, Non-Profit & Profit we are Lobbyist & Lobbyer, Politicians and True Enlightenment. We are the Warrior class Healer of body, mind, soul, and spirit through exercise, food, erbs, vitamin, Meridian, F.E.A massage acupuncture, using your natural energies in Psyche, providing a great culture, Tribe, community, etc to bring the truth of the good news of Work with faith ministry to life as Jesus and God taught us. We are the image of God We are Fluid Elapse Ability. Power is and always have been, and always will be = Ability the power to do anything We are true power made of God and true power is Fluid Elapse Ability.

We are Purgation Cleaning Security and the warrior class of God we are good shepherds & shepherdettes keeping the faith by doing the Work and Works. With this department of Fluid Elapse Ability The Martial Art In Church We fight to purge them bad spirit out your home, businesses, and government through providing a Cleaning Service, Aroma Therapy, and  Home Sitter(s) & Business Sitter(s).  We are the godly who clean, purge, and oversee bring true security to body, mind, soul, and spirit.

We are Educational Advocates of Community Legislation Healing. We are the Education Advocate department of Fluid Elapse Ability we are the Warrior Class of God's We help and educate as an Educational Advocate adults and children into a beautiful culture of Arts, Crafts, Sports, Music, Tribal Dance, Movies, Science, Technology, The 72 names of God, Engineering, Drafting, Current Events, Plays, TV, Radio, Acting, Voice Training, Hygiene & Health, Pageants, Doctoring, Parenting, Law, Astrology, Astronomy, Politics, Conscience, Philosophy, Cliche`s, Exercise, Food & Recipes, Erbs & Vitamins, Martial Arts, Crafts & Trades, Acrobats, and Sex & Sensual Education.

We are Choice, Varick Generator's & Turbine's this department of Fluid Elapse Ability is the department for inventions and innovations to destroy the evil design of modern day materialism and create economical socialization in the Tribe of the Blackcolour man Fluid Elapse Ability in a perfection of cooperative economic utilized to build our world and society with Trouble Free Cars, and Trouble Free Boats brand new with no exhaust & No Engine, No Fuel Yes no need to gas or no need to plug in for only $10,000. to $5,000 Brand New;, Trouble Free Planes, Trouble Free Bus, Trouble Free Helicopter that has no exhaust or no engine and no need for gas or to plug in for $10,000 to $30, 000 Brand New; Free Electric, Free Heat;, One and two bed room Apartment for $200. a Month, 3 and 4 bedrooms for $250. a Month; These will be the homes of the future we build and create as a church and the Tribe of Blackcolour People Fluid Elapse Ability.  We will make cloths, shoes, coats, furniture, jewelry, etc to defeat the evil design of Modern Day Materialism making everything better affordable for us. Better and safer side walks and roads. We will be Very Cogent with the Eco system and build better sewer systems, cleaner water ways for recreation, Cleaner drinking water system, Home in the Sky, Hologram Games & Television, Satellite on Earth etc. Putting the Blackcolour man Tribe Fluid Elapse Ability the most modern day Civilization of the Future in culture and etiquette. This will make us a crime free civilization because no one steals from them self or God.    

 WE are Epithetcal Abacus the department of Fluid Elapse Ability in charge of our MultiMedia such as TV, Radio, News, Magazines, Music, Movies, devices, Show, Plays, Concerts, Enjoyment Parks,  Tribal Ballet, Tribal Dance, Books, Drive Inns, and Hang Outs & Restaurant . This is what a true Church is and this is the Work and Works to be applied to your faith. One Nation Under God Indivisible with justice for all with equality for all in welfare.


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