God Empowers us to Witness Effectively and Boldly Despite of life Threatens Persecution. Sharing the Gospel Boldly Begins as You Trust God's Spirit's to give You the words to say and speak the Truth so it is Edifying to the Hearers and Hearettes to build Church under Truth & Love so that Mercy, Grace, and Peace will Follow and Stop All Division of the Church. Lesson 10
The first start to Rescue & Witness effectively and boldly is that the christian religion has been infiltrate and controlled by the devil workers to stop people from learning the true will of God for our lives. The christian religion does not have church the way God or Jesus instructed and in fact mislead everyone by taking out all the true meaning of words and gods that was in the Bible so we would become lost, grow to hate God, dwell in to much faith, and get lost in what works we need to have to accomplish God's will for our lives as humanity, the children of God everything Jesus was telling us they was doing over 2000 years ago. So if you do not want to take my word words of Rescue & Witnessing boldly take Jesus words of Rescue & Witnessing Boldly it is all in the Bible where I got it from.
The Cliche " The Bad workman never finds a good tool" is an real true statement of all the religions in the world today. All religion goal is to make you a religious fanatic working your emotions and faith in non-directive pursuits full of self-righteousness so you will help curse humanity for all that we do that is human and humane. They took all the names of God out the bible then refused to give you or us any good tools to work with in there teaching by alluding you from the truth of words, who is who, and the 2 distinct orders humanity exist under from the earliest time that 1 order started worship and brought about the death of human kind, when the second order came it brought the wrong kind of lust hence they make us think lust is wrong this wrong kind of lust destroyed pure heaven born love and the whole creation groweth and travaileth together in sin, passion and despair. Remember this because I am going to tell you who sin is and why sin travaileth. This is the real reason for Jesus and they murdered Jesus because he was teaching everybody the truth and how they was using religion and God in vain for their own selfish purpose wasting the church members time in faith and no works. The whole christian religion has a lot of history of misleading the church in their self seeking, vain, self righteous lies this is history so don't get mad at me. They knew the people would not give money to them but would give money to God enslaving the church and putting over 2000 burdens on the church people. The cliche is true that say " you can not fool some of the people all the time but you can fool all the people all the time". That is the purpose they brought religion to and Jesus die trying to teach us that to bring us back to God's word. Hence the violent nature of religion and the religious and any nation that silence the people voice from speaking truth freely because they want to fool you all the time and they can not do that if some of the people know the truth. I already had you read all of Matthew so now it is ok to go back and read verses. Read Matthew 7: 21-23 Jesus clearly is taking about religious teacher misleading you and tell them " I never knew you" and Jesus even tell us how he will come back over and over until the last day of judgement and all the religions will not recognize him hence all the religions still tell you and teach you Jesus has not returned. This is what Jesus mean that he will return like a thief in the night because his return is through one of us generation after generation til the day of the last judgement it can be a girl it can be a boy and that girl and boy Jesus choose is God with us hence peace will not come to the world til every nation know the name of Jesus and follow yes God with US; but that person name will be what his or her parents name them to all who don't know and can not recognize Jesus. Matthew 25:31-46 This is what Jesus mean when he will ask why didn't you feed me,? why didn't you cloth me.? why didn't you give me shelter.? and the teachers of religions and holy rollers will ask Jesus when did we deny you your needs and Jesus will point to whom so ever is God with US and say that was me. So the teachers of religious laws always go against anyone trying to restore the church and get rid of religion just as they went against Jesus. They will usually call that person the Antichrist and have that person murder just as Jesus said they will keep murdering the prophets and the innocent.
To make it plan and clear I am being Christ like. I am not going against the church just as Jesus never went against the church; and I am not doing any rebel rousing just as Jesus was not rebel rousing, I am doing the same as Jesus did just giving you the truth so you to can be a peace maker and live your life with true Charisma. For the record Jesus said how terrible it will be for the teachers of religious laws therefore I am not a teacher of religious laws I am Charismatic I teach about the Church and Church defined is simply Body, Mind, Soul, and Spirit.
I am the ExpoundReformer WaziRi GuRu Deacon Varick Camron Choice I am a Minister GuRu and Church is defined as Body, Mind, Soul, and Spirit. Church was never and is not Religion Just as Jesus taught himself.
Now God is the Quadruple God in the one saying of God for you have the Lord of all Lords and he has help God tell us this in Genesis and Revelations. So God is God the Creator God, God the Ancestral God, God the Holy Ghost God, God the Holy Spirit God and in the Quadruple God you have the 72 names of God. This is why Revelations may be confusing to most especially when it is time to calculate. We was made in the image of God therefore we was made in the 72 names of God with the 72 names of God broken down in to 4 parts which is Body, Mind, Soul and Spirit hence we are the temple of God and as humanity God made us human gods and goddesses of the earth in Gods not his or her but in Gods image manifesting us as god or goddess or now a days boy or girl. The 72 names of God as I teach in Fluid Elapse Ability is also your 12 Principle of Virtual Pleasure. Now I always have to make clear I can not teach you about God but I can teach you about God with US, get it the power is in the Word so I know most can not figadealme. How ever if you are going to learn to calculate you must know the 12 Principle of Virtual Pleasure is part of the 72 names of God and God with US and they are as follows:
1. Sight
2. Touch
3. Taste
4. Hearing
5. Smell
6. Muscular Sense
7. Temperature Sense
8. Pain Sense
9. Articular Sense
10. Distance Sense
11. Static Sense
12. Pleasure Sense
Genesis 1:26-27
God say Let US make People in Our image. That means God made Us god or goddess not male or female but god or goddess...!!!
Yes we are made god and goddess not male and female.
All religious symbols have god and goddess in it and as religion go they have taken out the god or the goddess in the original symbol to make it moral or ethical or the representation of the penis or vagina, male or female was never there people push what they want you to believe and then enslave you to that belief with the strongest religious influence of that time or to turn you against the strongest religious belief of the time. As time went on they make the symbol mean what they want it to mean because of it's history of respect and they want to be respected so every religious symbol if you study will always have different meaning book to book article to article because of individual people wanting you to believe while they hide their real motive from you cause people respect God because God is associated with religion.
Know like I said people change the meaning of them and try to make the symbol(s) fit their vain and self seeking purpose to make you believe in them but the penis and vagina is in every symbol that suppose to be Godly even Fluid Elapse Ability. There is nothing wrong with that but you have been condition that sexual intercourse is wrong so you think penis and vagina is wrong or pussy and dick is wrong speaking the language is never wrong, fuck, ass, bitch, dam, motherfucker is not wrong it is language just as the symbols are language and you can make those meaning of language bad or good by your meaning and usage. Remember never argue over words always be able to come to the truth and don't be so judgemental for shit, fucking, fuck off is the language handed to us and if you are over judgemental you are no better then religion condemning us for our humanity and the language given to us.
Fluid Elapse Ability has the symbol of god and goddess or boy and girl or, and, really I am use to saying this but ever since I learned the truth I hate saying it, but it is the language we was give man and woman.Yes I hate saying man and woman I rather say boy or girl or god or goddess.
The original cross is the Ankh and it represent god and goddess genitals as well like all else does.
Religion and the religious has made our bodies a dirty word as well as sexual intercourse.
The 6 point star of the Jewish star is god and goddess or male and female genital combine as to represent us and God. The Jews were Gods favorite because they was not disobedient and stayed in Gods perfect creation as mates, companions, husband and wife, etc. Yes you are a Jew if you are not Homosexual. This is what the bible means when it tells you that their are people pretending to be Jews. Figadealme.? Yep down low brothers and down low sisters was pretending to be straight or Jews and God said he was going to us them any way. The Christian church hide that fact, and now some just don't know that fact that the original Jews is boys and girls who are straight or not homosexual because homosexual wormed they way in like the bible said so homosexual take that out for their vain motives of secret homosexual sex in the religion. It is 2016 I know you hear about this all over the news, television and media. The crazy part is God said every man should have a wife and the Catholic religion of which all modern day Christianity left the Catholic religion to reform the christian church because of all the wrong the Catholic religion was doing will not allow their priest to marry, I wonder why,? then the Catholic religion say they say was going to solve the problem by making some down low sisters priestess. Yeah I hear that blowing up in there face like all their wrong doing has for centuries. Little girls and boys will be telling you all the wonderful thing the priestess taught them in sacred sexual intercourse when they grow up. Now remember all God original priest was married Mose and Aaron and don't forget Adam so why would they not what their priest to touch a girl or a goddess,? it has to be more vain self seeking motives of self-righteousness. Yep what they brought religion to today is and always will be in self seeking vain motives of that religion and nothing to do with God.
The 5 point star with 1point pointing straight up is a symbol of god or boy the 5 point star with 2 points pointing up is the symbol of goddess or girl. But truth is they made all that up later when it's 1 point is up it is God and when it 2 points up or many say up side down it is the Devil. Straight up like mans erection God and upside down the Devil the horn you know me so horny the shape of the women reproductive parts all together. I wonder who keep making women the Devil. I will give you a hint it ain't Jew men. The truth with the 5 point star is that it is a star fish Isis was into healing and it was her symbol and all other goddess or gods use this symbol for themselves following the strongest influence.
Know matter the symbol it is all about language and life, love, and living so stop making the human body a dirty word. Look no matter the symbol sex get put in there. Religion just hide the truth about sex and getting roots put on your genital so when it happen you run or go to the crazy house because they keep all that secret. Even the Alchemists no matter how scientific you get religion will get a hold of the symbol and put sex and sexuality in the meaning even if originally sex and sexuality was not there.
All the names of God from the planets all have sex symbols in them.
Did you know the Pope rock a lot of these symbols hat and more even putting their own new age look to them.
I'm guilty I used these symbol because it was the purest symbol to say god and goddess or male and female we need each other and are only eternal together in the sphere of God. Check out Fluid Elapse Ability Family Crest. Cool huh. I will explain the other stuff in a later lesson.
"He who seek he shall find", is a true cliche that came to life for me. Now before I started seeking truth for my self I to would fight and go to war over religion because I was brain wash young and believed with all my heart and mind. I believe in God and the brain washing would not allow me to hear nothing that went against my religious belief and teachings thus fighting for my religion was as if I was fight an attach on God. But the truth is it is not an attack on God nor my religion it was just some other religious belief. This is the trick and trap religion put us in at an early age and in strong belief. Before I read the bible for myself I was believing in religion and it's teacher and not God that what all religion do to us have us believing in the religion and teacher and practice not God hence all the fights and wars over religion not God but we think we are believing in God. I know homosexual will go to war over homosexuality because it is a religion and it had got them at a young age too before they had a chance to make a decision for themselves like all religions has done to us but they to are not fighting over God nor Satan but over religious belief and practice put in them while they was very young. When you get Angry and ready to fight over words of your religious practice you are not fighting over the 72 names of God we are made of nor body, mind, soul, and spirit you are fighting over words. Yes you fight over words given to you by some religious set. We all are made of God and are the temple of God made in the 72 names of God with the 72 names of God. Don't you think it is time for you to come to the truth and for you to stop hurting the temple of God which is yourself and other humans. Stop closing your ears to truth and consent to wholesome word rescue yourself and witness bodily.
Now the wicked spirit that became one of the 2 distinct orders that has existed from the earliest time separated what God had joined and joined what God had split apart thus the whole creation grew and traveled together in sin, passion and despair. So what do the religions tell you sin is.??? How much truth do religions give you so you can build your life in the perfect creation of God and have pure heaven born Love..??
Sin is a Moon God. Sin is one of the light bearers. Sin shined his light on them to show God what they was doing. Therefore the term sin is not good nor is it bad. The term that we call sin comes from what the Moon God Sin did for God which was to show God what they was doing by shining Sin's light on them so God could see. Sin or sinning is accusing or making accusations it is witnessing boldly. Now why don't none of the religions teach this truth to you.???? and why do the religions teach you not to get close to sin.??? Why do religion teach you to stay away from the God Sin who helped God see.??? I will tell you because if you get close to some one else Sin and God is Looking at everything they do then God can see you too. And why don't they want God to see you.??? Because God can see them doing wrong to you as well and then you can get the help you need from God. YHWH had to save Sin because they got mad at Sin for shining his light down on them so God could see what they was doing. Hold on I'm not done.
Why don't any religion tell you that not only is YHWH a Goddess but her Husband is Marduk. Yes all the Gods in the bible have husbands and wives including Allah, yes Allah has a wife he work with just as YHWH has a husband she works with.
Now I don't want to go to far in info yet you are young to this knowledge but YHWH is Yahweh. Now as time went on we stop speaking like the animals such as a dog barking and the name of God got longer as the Gods team up building and creating so we went from saying RA to Ruah and YHWH to Yahweh and I do not know what the name would be for today or in the last day of Judgement that why nobody will be able to read the name of God.
Now God instructed to name the Jesus Immanuel so how did his name become Jesus? It is a simple matter of what language you speak. Jesus mean God with us so Jesus mean Zeus with us and ELOHIM is YHWH father so Immanuel mean ELOHIM with us. The point is the power is in the word and the word is God and the 72 names of God is the word of god and goddess for God gave us the word making us in Gods image as god and goddess. We are the temple of God body, mind, soul, and spirit and God lives in us as the 72 names of God, God is the Creator = Body, God is the Ancestral = Mind, God is the Holy Ghost = Soul, God is the Holy Spirit = Spirit.
Now I'm going to stop there because they killed and murdered Jesus for trying to explain and I will sound crazy or madd to you as I go on so I will just go on a little because the Spirit is the RA or RUAH or PNEUMA. In simple the Spirit is the Breath the air the completion to making humans alive was God gave us his breath to give life or like electricity God use his breath God Spirit to turn humans on with life or efil that powers body, mind, and soul hence we need evol or love and it just evil or live all part of the 72 names of God.
Now we are a product of our environment so the Lord Prayer goes and do not lead me on to temptation but deliver me from evil. Know you have to know that the two distinct orders are Jews people who and not homosexual, and homosexual people who was taught to be homosexual to go against God's perfect creation. Now the flesh is weak we all will do what feels good and what we are taught. No person after the one said I will be like the most high and became to prideful had a chance not to be touched by homosexuality and they never built a better world then God hence you will act like your God under the two orders and or get caught in between. So back then they make vows to God ether one as to there worthiness and loyalty thus Jesus explain you are going to ether hate one God and Love the other. Remember Jesus was human so he had homosexual contact mostly just as every one will cause the flesh is weak and they get us while we are young. So what Jesus was saying he said your kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven so it was time for the Jews to take back over because homosexuality was everywhere and messing everything up so Jesus as the son of God and teaching others to pray always giving some kind of gesture of loyalty said but for give us of our debts as we for give those who have debts against us ( debt would be sin of the flesh we do not understand about hence we know not what we do) and lead us not into temptation, keep them from wanting homosexual sex and all that sex games that led to sins of the flesh and them having debts or kill us or take the power of erection and arousal away is meant deliver us from evil or live now Jesus said life is in the blood and don't get coy on me now you know you want your sexual power and want it bad so did they; some worked evil that cause unnatural erections or arousal of genital through pestilent hence Jesus was tell you life is in the blood for your erections and arousal of your genital not in the pestilent.
Temptation goes against destiny the domain of magic and religion. So we do what feel good and what feel good is temptation and if a man is not suppose to have sex with another man because it is not the design and a woman is not suppose to have sex with another woman because it is not the design but they do it because it feels good then fornication is temptation because it feel good. Now religions don't tell you what fornication really is it is having sex with animals or anything that is not human you can not fornicate having sex with another human unless you add a foreign specie of human in the mix or homosexuality. So know you know better when you read about fornication in the bible it is bestiality and people are still fornicating to this day so now you should know why the bible speaks of self control better. Adultery is a sin or crime a woman or man commits against God against another person they don't have to be marry for them to commit adultery. Adultery is hard to explain because it has to do with pervading influences in the body and genitals that contain angels, demons, and those that are like angel but are not as powerful as angels, Ghosts, spirits, souls and specters. It's one of those thing it would have to happen to you and unveil itself and then maybe you would understand. The point is self control there is all kinds of things going on with us we just don't know about and God made us to have sex with normal sex with the opposite sex I'm talking about mess up DNA codes, the true causes of all sickness and disease because people will not have self control and start having sex that is promiscuity and promiscuity sex is not bad til woman start having sex with homosexual men who are diseased because that is what happens when you start to have homosexual sex and mess up codes then promiscuity becomes detestable because it start to mess up straight people code and the disease spread. This is why Good hate witch craft because they trick Jews or straight people into thinking they are not homosexuals. And know you know why they say " Jewed out of everything". This is what the bible mean they loose self control disobey God then get mad at God and blame God for mess up humanity when they did it to themselves because they will not exercise any self control. So Temptation goes against destiny the domain of magic and religion which is trying to say eating shit all day won't kill you or splitting atom to make booms and dropping them on a city won't mess up the environment. You are messing in God's works to create another life fools you are messing with some one else destiny, and God or Zeus one thing that makes him mad til he has to act a fool and start killing and fucking up humanity with punishment, the one thing that pisses God off the most is when you start mess up some ones destiny. Do you figadealme? The only religion we suppose to have is sex with the opposite sex. We are all property of God's and so is everything in this world. You are messing with his creation. Hence the bible tells you how tricky the devil is and make you turn from God. Then the devil religion kick in as homosexuality and that is was the two distinct orders that Jesus say you will love one and hate the other and messed up pure heaven born love creating the wrong kind of Lust men lusting for men and women lusting for women and the whole creation grow and traveled in Sin, I told you who Sin is, Passion you know what passion is love, hate, truth, lies, wars, and despair you know what despair is I can't win for losing is dispair.
I am the ExpoundReformer WaziRi GuRu Deacon Varick Camron Choice I can speak well of my trade for I understand, Yes I can speak well of may family because I understand humanity.
Yes humanity is my family and all wars and fights is just the trick of the devil to fool all the people all the time. The devil has stop us from acting like God and being the gods and goddess of this place. We was never suppose to die. Look the Dignity and Nobility of a Grandpa, Grandma, Husband, Wife, Mother, Father, Aunt, Uncle, Sister, Brother, Nephew, Niece, Cousin, Friend and Strangers ought to be held up before all for a perfect humanity because if this God given function is ignored or held in contempt humanity will be called upon to pay a heavy penalty. Humanity being humane is the greatest science in the world but no science is more neglected and unhappy home, Toxins in the body, Nutritional Deficiencies, Electromagnetic Chaos, and Emotional & Mental Stress are the visible results. Man is not made to be sexual with Man and Woman is not made to be sexual with Woman we are suppose to be on one accord with the sphere in life we was given as Man or Woman and the truth we was made god and goddess it is for man and woman, yes god and goddess to keep the deep life spring sweet and free from bitterness. Woman yes goddess wields a power as a Wife and a Mother that ought to make her tremble for she lays the foundation on which life structures are to rest, stand, or fall; and with out man or godliness all other virtues would be but a artificial flower beautiful to the eye perhaps but devoid of life; man or god is the craftsman and gardener the protector who should cherish her yes goddess and all humanity children.
This is why you have to keep your hearts and mind clean and pure and be able to come to the truth and consent to wholesome words. Stay with me I will get you there keep coming to the truth is the home work and stop closing your ears.
The Martial Art In Church Fluid Elapse Ability Expound Reforming to Bring in a Perfect Day for a Perfect Created World; Understanding, Standing Strong with Courage and Strength.
Domestic is belonging to the house or home; tame; not foreign; Relating to house hold or family; related and limited to one's own country; fond of home life and household affairs; of or pertaining to a country's internal affairs; household servant. Yes you must intercede in the Spirit of Domestic. Lesson 9
This is where you should have learned enough from lesson 1-8 and start to bring it all together as one in your life, love, and living building in the practice in praxis of Fluid Elapse Ability. We are the gods or goddesses of our world and planet thus you must conquer yourself individually to be worth something to all humanity. You have clean your hearts and minds but you are made of God's Spirit as the temple of God being Body, Mind, Soul and Spirit and you need more then just pervading influence to live and be whole holy so you must intercede in the Spirit of your new self you are building you into. You need food and exercise.
Yes you must dwell in the humble and meek as god or goddess with the Spirit of domestics. Yes you have to conquer yourself to be domestic. It is home life where we live and work for and it is home life that is going to make us or break us. You can not separate yourself from being domestic trying to live street life at home. God is of Domestic keeping you safe showing you how to live a better longer life; the devil is of street life showing you how to live a shorter and worse life then need be teaching you to poison your mind, body, soul, and spirit.
Look interceding is not a matter of God placing our burdens upon God but God placing our burdens on us. No person, nothing in this world can escapes responsibility. In interceding we hear from our minds and work from the hearts for God, yes for God's will for us for ourself, for our families, for our friends, for the hurting, for the lost, for the oppress, for those who are in shackles, for those who are being robbed.
We as church people stay out the world best as possible so we have to build our world of trust and love with mercy, grace, peace, truth, and love. We have to buid in the beautiful culture of friendship and build activities, malls, department stores, bars, clubs, parks, farms, natrual resources, Tv, etc with out all that preaching in them for we know how to live life and right from wrong we just have to build places to come together and enjoy ourselves as God's children. We stay out the world and in the perfection of God's creation we do not know what to pray for the world most of the time because we keep from all that madness and craziness staying out the world. Therefore we all have roots and know where we come from and how it is in being rich, middle class, poor, and poverty. God the Creator God, God the Ancestral God, God the Holy Ghost God, God the Holy Spirit God moves and accomplish for us through us, yes God prays for us because God knows the need's and condition's and conditioning's of every person.
We can never fully know what we need from God nor what another person need from God this is why we have learned to be good fruit keeping our hearts and minds pure undefiled and undefamed is our most important works. God works and give us what we need and conditions our bodies, minds, souls, and spirits as a mighty good father and mother, yes as a almighty parent. Therefore we must pray for ourself, pray for our children, pray for our families, pray for our city, pray for our country etc, yes we must pray to intercede but we also must have works with faith when we intercede for us best through us. So don't be lazy prayer is an good exercise for your heart and mind, soul and spirit.
Getting wisdom is the most important thing you can do and what ever else you do get yourself good judgment and if you have been doing the lessons 1-8 your already cleaning yourself up heart and mind, soul and spirit but we have to work on the body.
Ahh, yes the Body is your jail, your prison it is your house, your temple, your dwelling. So why are you letting yourself go? why are you spending so much work, money and effort to build your home beautiful made of wood and materials but you allow your body to wilt away.? Your body is your most important house. Don't you want it to look good and show it off.? I know I do. And there is nothing wrong with showing off your body because it gives you your reason and purpose to life and procreate. Showing off your body builds your will to take care of your body because if you do not show off you tend to let it go and get fat, have bad skin, bad feet, bad hands, ect and that is disrespectful to the temple of God. We follow Jesus so we have done away with religion and religious lies keeping us from building in the truth of who we are and accomplishing God's will for us to live in a perfect world, in a perfect society, in a perfect civilization.
Real strength is in the form of physical capacity and true strength is in the form of an indomitable will you need both true strength as an indomitable will and real strength as physical capacity to exercise body, mind, soul and spirit properly. We always choose exercise over exorcism. I will explain more about exorcism in lesson 10. The fact is you must take care of yourself know body can take care of you better than you. You must exercise and keep a health body, make the practice of the martial Arts help to build you better body, mind, soul, and spirit.
When you practice the Martial Arts in Church you must know that the 5 hindrance in life that keep you from exercising properly in true and real strength in practice in praxis of Fluid Elapse Ability are as follows:
1. Lustful Desire Untamed
2. Malice
3. Sloth and Idleness
4. To Much Pride and Self- Righteousness
5. Doubt
You will need to know and use the 4 limitless thoughts as Follows to balance self emotionally:
1. Love
2. Compassion
3. Sympathetic Joy
4. Equanimity
The Great Buda said " He who lives an up right life through his body, words, and thoughts will be respected here and now, all the world over; he will also find happiness of mind in the world to come."
When you use food and exercise to build body, mind, soul, and spirit, up you are loving yourself in the 72 names of God you are loving yourself with the 72 names of God. This is the true practice in praxis of Fluid Elapse Ability in a nutshell for we must build self we need to do that building of self with God.
Always remember the greatest of conquerors is he who has conquered him self for the mind mastered insure happiness just as the body mastered insures happiness hence body and mind conquered brings you joy and nourish your soul and spirit to be like wise happy and rejoicing. Simplicity is always right.
In simple food and medicine is the best medicine because it keep you strong physically and it keep you strong willfully. Food and exercise of the body, mind, soul and spirit keeps you healthy and whole holy so you must play, learn, and have fun along your way in life, love and living with your daily diet of food and exercise. You must have works with faith and the WaziRi GuRu Varick Camron Choice is teaching you what works you need to build a better life in church and to find your oneness with God having true fellowship with fellowetteship.
The 4 causes of disease are as follows:
1. Toxins in the body
2. Nutritional Deficiencies
3. Electromagnetic Chaos
4. Emotional and Mental Stress
When we do works with faith to intercede or use God through prayers being eye and ear service as to the Lord we are interceding for others and ourselves in and with the 72 names of God. The 72 names of God is what makes us in body, mind, soul and spirit. It is the greatest love of all the temple of God. The 72 names of God is your domestication you are building works with faith to intercede in the Spirit of Domestic for humanity, for intercession to be humane abundanly. Yes your body is your house you are the house hold servant that must take care of your house and raise your children, families, city, nation, etc to do the same.
Viruses can not live in oxygen rich environment, is good knowledge to heal yourself and to learn what to eat to better oxgygenate the body inside and out for a better healthy life, love, and living. So you see staying health is easy hence we must delegate for better life of all humanity in our government, money solves all problems and in God we trust. Therefore we do the will of God for us making sure we have what we need to take care of the masses abundantly and it can only be accomplished through good government.
This is the point to Fluid Elapse Ability department as a social club and political alliance of Proficientaccost Political Alliance and all other departments of Fluid Elapse Ability to have and stand with the proper works with faith.
The Martial Art In Church Fluid Elapse Ability Showing you what Works with Faith should be in Us as Humanity.
And along the way we must show our Courage and Strength.
The Spirit of God Rests upon God with us and has been given to the members of Fluid Elapse Ability for service and ministry in Life, Love, and Living. God with Us begins our ministry with the word from Isaiah 61:1-2 for the true nature and essence of ministry are captured by the word in text, " The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because the lord has appointed me to comfort the brokenhearted and to announce that captive will be released and prisoners will be freed. He has sent me to tell those who mourn that the time of the Lord's favor has come, and with it, the day of God's anger against their enemies. Yes works with faith healing, mending, and repairing Ministry. Lesson 8
Bring the truth and love is bring the good news and that good news must be brought to everybody especially to the spiritually poor and the naturally poor. God's Spirit's of anointing empowers his members of works with faith to comfort the brokenhearted, mourning, grieving, bare witness over wrong, error, bad, and the ornery. God's Holy Spirit's bring liberty and freedom into our live, life, love, and living when we live as gods and goddesses obeying God's ten commandments and indulge in building a perfect civilization as God commanded us to do for we are forged in God's image and should dwell on earth as it is in heaven. Yes this is where we are at we must be the peace makers and build to perfection.
You are a vessel of God broken and pour out as body, mind, soul, and spirit as the temple of God. Thus I love you in the 72 names of God yes I love you with the 72 names of God as you are a god or a goddesses built in the 72 names of God.
Yes the 72 names of God is your body, mind, soul and spirit. God's Spirit's upon us as the God with Us brings justice into our lives the justice of God's truth reveals every prejudice and hateful thought. God's Spirit's searches our hearts and minds and uncovers every hidden thought and feeling hence God with Us taught us not to defile nor defame our hearts and mind so you can come to the truth and consent to wholesome words and never argue over words. We must stand well verse for the power is in the word meaning the language we speak and the defining and knowledge of every word is important thus God hate when people pervert the language and misled the people through trickery and deceit out of simplicity which is to live with in the perfection of ourselves as his creation as boy and girl in God's image as gods or goddesses being the garderner(s) and craftsman(s) of this world and taking good care of each other as humanity hence the ten commandments and everything God has taught us. It is when you start living your life out of God's simplicity you self destruct and many turn and blame God for all the harm they have done to themselves and others as if they have no free will or self control. You can not obtain a perfect world in God's perfect creation if you choose to walk unjustly with others in your groups, friendships, circle, government, family etc..., We are humanity and any prejudice against humanity be it color or gender is a crime against God's perfection of us as humanity in live, life, love and living and keep us from pure heaven born love expressed in simplicity it is the 72 names of God. God said let us make man in OUR IMAGE. God with us is Jesus and Jesus told us he come back like a thief in the night thus you should know like Jesus told us he can be a boy or a girl and thus Jesus have come back over and over again and the religion of today still can not recognize their Lord and savior because they all claim Jesus still has not return but he has over and over again but the religions will not work for Jesus of today who is God with us. If you have been doing your studies from lesson 1 to 7 you should be following what I am telling you. If you still do not understand you have to take a class with me the ExpoundReformer WaziRi GuRu Deacon Varick C. Choice.
So Wake up how are you going to keep going against the Great cheisher and sustainer of our life, love and living master of the Universe the air and pervading influences that nourish your body, mind, soul and spirit manifesting in God the Creator, God the Ancestral, God the Holy Ghost, God the Holy Spirit.
The 4 Laws of Fluid Elapse Ability must be apply to the ten commandments so you stand ready as Warriors of God's building in simple truth as the gods or goddesses of the earth staying far away from religion and the defiling of your hearts and minds. The 4 Laws of Fluid Elapse Ability read as follows:
1. You must have appliable adaptability in order to change with change. Especially with change in cultural and technological transition.
2. Empty your mind be formless be shapeless as water fluid as air. Yes in matter of style, and prestige do you in matters of principle stand like a rock.
3. Hands and feet and the human body is formed for function each part has it's own purpose for it's own essence to bring the body together as one. You must stay whole as the temple of God and bring yourself together as whole holy in body, mind, soul, spirit.
4. Energy is not created nor destroyed it is shared in a perfect balance in a perfect cycle, build your habitat and create a beautiful ORA. The building blocks to all life is boy and girl respect yourself and your sphere in life and respect the opposite sex sphere and properly build together in Fluid Elapse Ability.
Work on practicing the 4 laws of Fluid Elapse Ability in praxis in you live, life, love, and living. Refuse to be misled and have God's will for your life complicated by the trickery of religion, homosexuality, witch crafts, and others self-righteousness, yes live in the perfection God made you in and enjoy pure heaven born love.
The Martial Art In Church Fluid Elapse Ability Practice in Praxis
Galatians 5:19-21 When you follow the desires of your sinful nature your lives will produce these evil results: Sexual immorality, impure thoughts, eagerness for lustful pleasure, idolatry, participation in demonic activity, hostility, quarreling, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambition, divisions, the feeling everyone is wrong except those in your own little group, envy, drunkenness, wild parties, and other kinds of sin. This is How you recognize the devil in yourself and in others. Lesson 7
Recognizing the devil is simplicity of knowing yourself in order to know others. You have to have works with faith so you have to know what you are working for in order to establish your works with faith to recognize the devil. In order to know yourself you have to know your culture because your works of building yourself up is to build yourself up in your culture. Well our culture is Fluid Elapse Ability and we identify ourselves as Blackcoloured people we define ourselves through the departments of Fluid Elapse Ability.
Our social club and political alliance is Proficientaccost Political Alliance, Our Advocate is Educational Advocate of Community Legislation Healing, Our Church, Medical field and government is Fluid Elapse Ability the Martial Art in Church, Our multimedia is Epithetical Abacus, Our police or security force is Purgation Cleaning Security, Our Business and Industry is Choice,Varick Generator's & Turbine's. If you want to see a proposal for the whole business of Fluid Elapse Ability you can find the Talk off Proposal in Proficientaccost website at www.proficientaccost.blogspot.com and go to the talk off proposal.
Yes you have to find yourself in your culture and then you can better apply Galatians 5:19-21 to your social life, business life, family life, personal life, Church life , Martial Artist life, and government life to recognize the devil. Stop blaming every thing on the devil for you have to look in the mirror. When you see people or individuals acting out like it explains in Galatians you know they are full of the devil and it will be in every part of your life with out a real Culture and Church family who is building with you in works and faith building more then a one building to come together in but we need to build a whole community and be together in.
This is how you make your judgement and decision based on a exercise in Fluid Elapse Ability Maneuver(ing) it goes like this:
1. Being mean is always right or correct for the ends always justify the mean.
2. Jealous is placed on the scale weighing fair or just which is correct or Ok anything outside fair or just is always wrong.
3. Ornery is always wrong for it is done out of can do with know resolution.
Now applying those three factors of decision on judgement can be use for every person and everything. I have wrote 3 text books to teach people to conquer them self and do have classes that are better in instruction for everything I am teaching and much more.
You have to realize that all things is in a continuous flux that is stability, and stability is an illusion only made to be true in fact that stability is real only through change and that change and Logos are real stability because that is what builds life, love, and living. Logos is define as the laws of nature with a divine mind identified in the Universe.
You have to be able to define yourself and others as introvert or extrovert because they are to different behaviors and people will need different and are not being the devil it is just their make up of who they are in psyche as a introvert or an extrovert.
We all have to have root put on us. Some people get their roots put on and do not see nor hear the pervading influences that are there and other do know. When people find out a pervading influences is doing something to their body they usually get scared, panic etc. But this is what roots are they are in your penis and vagina that make them work and full and fulfilled. This is one of the reasons Jesus explains life is in the blood. You want your penis and vagina working perfect with blood, not other gadgets you want to be made perfect. So when you hear somebody getting roots put on them it is not always bad. Then there is evil put on your penis and vagina evil is not bad. Evil is like your sense and nerves being work on to make them better and it is a lot of different evil out there for your whole body parts. Evil is not bad it is those that work evil that is good or bad. If they put the evil on you perfect then they are good, or righteous, or godly if they put the evil on you in error or wrong they are the devil and is bad. Here a better look at what I saying below about roots.
Now we know there is more then one God and they are Gods help. We do not know the name of God because God has to many names for us to call on and we don't know which one we need for one reason or another hence God will do for us what we can not do for ourselves. This is the 72 names of God again you would have to take a class with me seeking for me to explain it further the point in this lesson is how you recognize the devil and not everything and everyone is the devil. A lot of time you will run from God cause you don't know what is going on with you and it is scary.
Once again when we talk about God I can not tell you much about God but I can tell you about God with us and we are the temple of God body, mind, soul and spirit. Yes this is the 72 names of God and it has to do with your body, mind, soul and spirit. We are the gods and goddesses of this planet made in the image of God so do you get it? We are made in the image of God and this is the 72 names of God. God made you perfect but you are not fully grown at 21 nor 25 God is working on you all the time you have to live long for God to have his perfect works on you hence faith with works doing for ourselves what we can do to live a long life as humanity as the gardener(s) and craftsman(s) of the planet and world a duty God gave us to help him help us.
Love in any direction is the same Evol and Evol is living so it's live Evil of which we need it in our life but it's just efil again hence the madness living is Life and LIFE is worth living and we love to live. We are trapped not know but feel, feel as it bring thoughts which bring action and that is who we are. Hence we are so easy to be toyed with and with out a true Praxis. Fluid Elapse Ability is the Praxis to balance your body, mind, soul, and spirit with God and your psyche. The psyche is your center, it is your Universe it has all of you with all that you come by and touch and all that come by and touch you.
Money is not bad or evil and money solves all problems. Please read John, and John 1,2,and 3. Your getting there do the study and each lesson after lesson you will awaken.
The Martial Art In Church Fluid Elapse Ability bring you closer to the truth and understanding.
Now you are not Lost you are Found continue building in the Martial Art In Church Fluid Elapse Ability in Peace, Mercy, Grace, Truth, and Love being One Nation Under God in the New Beautiful Culture of the Blackcolour America Finding your Anointing to Discern. Lesson 6
The Anointing of God the Creator God, God The Ancestral God, God the Holy Ghost God, and God the Holy Spirit God can now be poured out on us because we have a rich and beautiful culture through the Martial Art In Church Fluid Elapse Ability. God Spirit's of wisdom and understanding can be pour upon us because we are now in a united state of mind and know what to work for as a culture. God is the Quadruple God from the bible so you get God blessings and gifts more abundantly when God pour out Wisdom from each God and understanding from each God the anointing power to discern.
Encountering the anointing of the Quadruple God inspires within us the wisdom of God. Wisdom is seeing all reality from God's perspective and truth and you have to live long to receive it in full because wisdom is gained through life experiences. Being anointed to discern you learn simple truth that the power is in the word and understanding the language you speak very well in definition of each word you speak and utter. Remember we are a work with faith ministry. Wisdom is knowing the true meaning of every word you use so you can properly discern. God's wisdom is the Logos that, protect you, exalts you, brings you life nourishment and good health, whats desired above all else, gives you success, fills your treasuries, and make you happy.
God's Discernment reveals God's absolute truth that which is true for all people, at all times, and in all places. Such an anointing will empower you to choose life over death; to enjoy life forever. Our daily life is filled with choices with the wise counsel of God's Spirits and nourishment of God's pervading influence you can come together and build a perfect society, in a perfect civilization for a perfect Nation in a perfect world. For that has always been the goal and we have the power to build perfect as citizen and the democracy.
For the children are born to us, a son is a gift and blessing and given to us; a daughter is a gift and a blessing and given to us; nieces and nephew are a gift and blessing and given to us; our government is a gift and a blessing and given to us. Yes all are given to us to govern and discern to build perfectly our race as human, our culture as Blackcolour Americans, our Country, our Communities, and our house holds. Thus we must keep good and clean hearts and minds undefiled and undefamed that are real and that should never demoralize our humanity in the reality of sex, or sensual pleasure gifts and blessing God has also given us.
Having the power of Discernment you must know your culture and who you are so God can have perfect works with you. This is who we are As Fluid Elapse Ability culture building a better day in the Blackcolour American.
Fluid Elapse Ability
We the Children of Humanity recognize our selves to be human born on the planet earth so we respect all that is human, being humane in thought and actions. We are the Gardener(s) and Craftsman(s) of the planet a responsibility we accept as humanity truth. We accept the fact that know religion can explain God but can explain us as human. Therefore we have taken religion out of the Church to be one body in humanity in order to build the true temple of God which is Body, Mind, Soul, and Spirit.
Article 1.A
of Fluid Elapse Ability By Laws:
The name of this Martial Art In Church is Fluid Elapse Ability. We believe this is an appropriate name because we where made in the image of God so we carry God's traits which are Fluid = Capable of Flowing, to Elapse = Slip or Glide Away, the Ability = Power to Do Anything. And as a Martial Art being started in the United States of America with English being the national language spoken makes this name appropriate.
Article 1.B
of Fluid Elapse Ability By Laws:
We Believe that Heaven is always with a good man practicing a sort of fascism utilizing the good man to restoring and rebuilding truth, and justice that is fair and impartial. We believe not having a hearing to the supernatural is true freedom and whom ever gain a hearing through theft or trespass is pursued as to illuminate the world with vigilance and the voice of righteousness in just cause stand firm and immovable to them are know past, present, and future as the good works is to provide in due balance that can not be done for self given sustenance for you and for those whom subsistence you was not responsible it is know who lag behind and who hasten forward.
Article 2.A
of Fluid Elapse Ability By Laws:
Fluid Elapse Ability is a Martial Art; it is the Church which is body, mind, soul, and spirit and as a human you are the temple of the church; it is a political alliance; it is an educational advocate; it is the media; it is industrial and engineering; it is cleaning security; it is Truth with works healing, mending, and repairing; it is community; it is fellowship = boys with fellowetteship = girls; it is non-profit and profit business with in it's departments.
Article 3.A
of Fluid Elapse Ability By Laws:
We believe through Fluid Elapse Ability we have obtain true freedom and liberation from others self-righteousness and others rebel rousing. We believe through Fluid Elapse Ability that we have escaped from those who live their lives in error. We believe through Fluid Elapse Ability by not making claim to any religion we stop the division and better build the temple of the Church which is Body, Mind, Soul, and Spirit.
Article 4.A
of Fluid Elapse Ability By Laws:
We believe in unity because know person can escape responsibility. We believe in one God and that God has help so there is know need to be converted from religion for we have no religion. We believe religion is an ugly vice that create quarreling, jealousy, outburst of anger, division, selfish ambition, hostility, participation in demonic activities, impure thoughts, eagerness for lustful pleasure, idolatry, and sexual immorality. We believe that we are restoring the Church through Fluid Elapse Ability by dropping religion to create in us joy, love, peace, kindness, faithfulness, patience, goodness, self control, and gentleness which will not conflict with any law.
Article 5.B
of Fluid Elapse Ability By Laws:
Badness you will and can come or get easily in quantity this road is smooth yet, aggravating and the things that bring and pave the road to badness is vanity and temptation and it is always close by alluring and to find the road to excellence the immortal gods have put test, yes even the saint's get tested to see if you will find or stay on the road of simplicity and on that road you will find principle, work, and integrity it seem difficult in the start but this road is the smoothest and on that road you will find the joy and elations of simplicity. I am The ExpoundReformer WaziRi GuRu Deacon Varick Camron Choice want all Duties members to strive for excellence. There will be no title of priest, nor pastor given to any one for respect God is the head; The title of Deacon is given in respect for God to whom will be up front instructing the members to build body, mind, soul, spirit and Minister Guru to all others next in charge and Reverend to all worth or reverence; as a martial art no belts as title will be issued in respect of Wisdom & Knowledge but through completion of class the title of first degree guru, second degree guru, third degree guru and so on will be issued at completion of each class.
Go and read all of the United State of American Constitution and then read all of the Wisconsin constitution. Know who you are, Know what we stand for as an individual, as a State, and as a Country.
The Martial Art In Church Fluid Elapse Ability Breathing Culture in the Blackcolour American being Anointed to Discern