You must Dream, work on Vision while you build a better you in your culture. With out culture we get lost and can not find our calling because we are doing everything for self and civilization does not allow you to find your calling self seeking. You must find your calling with your culture under the 7 principle of Kwanzaa building with the Culture of Fluid Elapse Ability Martial Art In Church to build a better habitat for habitation.
We get lost with out a culture to give us purpose to live together as a Nation, Family, Race, Community, Business, and Church. Marcus Garvey is a prophet of Fluid Elapse Ability and we strongly believe and live by his quotes that keep it real and brought us thus far. We strongly believe, have faith and have works that wealth is strength, wealth is power, wealth is just, wealth is liberty, wealth is real humanity rights, privilege, and immunities. We strongly believe in one God, one aim and one destiny for Fluid Elapse Ability and it's members. We follow these belief to the fullest and when you follow this belief to the fullest you will find your calling for self, for your culture, with God and your community.
Cliche " Worry about what to by never worry about what to sell". The product speaks for itself it is ether a product that work like it said or a product made in shabby workmanship. You see you have to sell yourself as your product because if people respect and trust you people will respect and trust anything you sell. Therefore you never have to worry about what to sell because you know you only sell Quality like yourself.
Cliche "You will never really know a man til you do business with him". This is what make us weak when we are buying products from people we don't know if we can trust. You can trust your mighty net work of church family and you can trust your beautiful culture of Fluid Elapse Ability because you will do business with us so the only thing ever to fear is what to buy from those you never do business with. This is how Church keep you strong in cooperative economic and this is how you find your call to make your living and to take care of the culture for all member's of Fluid Elapse Ability.
Cliche " Take your son to market place and see with whom he associates with from whom he do business with". If your son's are associating their self with weak cultures that teach and thrive on self destruction who do you think he will do business with?, and what do you think he will buy into but more self destruction we have gotten away from. By building our world we stay out of the world and stay rich and wealth. Cliche " if you hang with 9 broke friend your bound to be the tenth broke friend". This is the same if you live and hang with 9 friends living their life in error then you our bound to be the tenth friend living your life in error".
We strongly believe, have faith, have works in
Fluid Elapse Ability Warrior Code as Follow; Breeding; Warrior Body Chemistry; Warrior's Therapy; Warrior's Set Self Apart; Warrior's Deduction of Logic:
Breeding =
A true Warrior knows how to Win which is to succeed by effort which is to breed; to achieve by effort which is to breed; by laboring to victory which is good breeding. A true Warrior breed family, life, love, and living. A true Warrior breeds courage to stand in quick decision, sturdy in principle, nimble in actions; A true Warrior breed equanimity to embrace all emotion and instinct turning fear into fire, doubt into assessment, stress into faith and explosive temper in to good judgment knowing the road to the heart is through the ear, and the eyes are the stage that perform for the mind thus a true Warrior breed Fluid Elapse Ability.
Warrior Body Chemistry =
Honor + Trust = Perseverance + Worthy = Glory + Solidarity = Equanimity + Indomitable Will + Principle = Nimbleziseation
(Bring this chemistry to a complete nexus with Psyche as a Warrior it is important to gain approval from the amid and humble the villains to admiration.)
Warrior's Therapy =
A Warrior therapy is to exercise the devil within and out the mind, body, soul, and spirit don't live in shame as shame prisoner but die to shame and contempt and die doing away with fictitious leaving nothing behind celebrating in handicrafts, music, dancing, with in a sense of social belonging celebrate in athletics, recreation and the 7 principles from Kwanzaa for the first step forward is to go back to tradition because only a Warrior who not afraid of dying is worthy of serving his Lord within and without.
Warrior's Set Self Apart =
A Warrior set themselves apart from the merciless, the pitiful, and the ruthless to become a Warrior. A Warrior set themselves apart from the night and the day the dark and the light and becomes the narrator and the navigator. A Warrior set themselves apart form nonideas and nondirective pursuits to conquer and gain clarity in cultural and technological transition.
Warrior's Deduction of Logic =
A Warrior's trust in his instinct is his guidance from God. A Warrior's trust in his deduction is his inspiration from God. A Warrior's trust in his wisdom is his enlightenment from God. A Warrior trust in his labor is his blessings from God. A Warrior's trust in his work is his gifts from God. A Warrior trust in his Logic is his truth from God. A Warrior who trust in himself being wise is his faith in God.
This is how you will look into self and find your calling in the beautiful culture of Fluid Elapse Ability. You must grow to Charisma and become Charismatic glowing in courage and strength and ability and a indomitable will.
Lesson 1-12 will to you to conquer yourself but if you really want to learn Fluid Elapse Ability in Full you have to come Train with the WaziRi GuRu Varick Camron Choice. I hope you enjoyed learning the truth in lesson 1-12 but there is so much more to learn and aspire to. Enjoy your life, love and living, live and be free and Alive.
Fluid Elapse Ability Flag
One God One Aim One Destiny
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Look Into Self, Find Your Calling Lesson 12 by WaziRi GuRu Varick Choice
Saturday, June 11, 2016
Warriors Welcome the Fruit Lesson 11 by WaziRi GuRu Varick Choice
Baptized with Fire is know joke. The fiery baptism of God the Creator God, God the Ancestral God, God the Holy Ghost God, and God the Holy Spirit God consumes chaff everything that is not holy. Everyone work's will be put through the fire to see whether or not it keeps it's Value. When the fire comes all pride and selfishness will burn away leaving the interior of our lives a crucible for the Quadruple God Living in me and you as body, mind, soul, and spirit the temple of god or goddess the temple of God.
The Cliche goes " one house burns so that another my warm itself ". Don't run from the fire and the truth is you can't run from the Fiery Baptism of God. Well you have people who work evil and even the saints get tested, These is about their works and if it is good as in perfect or bad as in error. God baptize with fire checking, healing, mending, repairing your body, mind, soul, and spirit so you can be whole holy make sure everything is in good works as in perfect.
This goes for the teaching and preaching as well this is what Jesus mean by works with faith every house may need something different than the other and our works should be perfect life, love, and living for humanity as gods and goddess of this world, but their is those who work evil in error making their work bad. We all get worked on body, mind, soul, and spirit. So welcome the fruits of labor by God cleansing and purifying to perfection. Cliche " the works praises the man", this is how we know who is possessing us and if we need help from God. What kind of work is being done on you is important and why many have to sit and wait on the Lord because they are doing work to make you ill, sick, diseased, etc, Yes their work is in error and you have to prayer and wait on the Lord to set everything perfect.
In the Quran it tell us that any that gain a hearing by stealth is pursued by a flaming fire bright to see and we have spread out the earth like a carpet set there on mountains firm and immovable and produced therein all kinds of things in due balance and we have provided therein means of subsistence for you and for those whose sustenance you are not responsible. To us are know those who hasten forward and those who lag behind. Therefore we know God the Creator God, God the Ancestral God, God the Holy Ghost God and God the Holy Spirit God is at work for us and protects us from those that stealth. Exorcism is not a good thing to preform on anybody because we do not know what a person need but God do. In Fluid Elapse Ability we Exercise the person body, mind, soul, and spirit so everything is perfect as whole holy.
Cliche " There is no striping a naked man" Jesus explain that exorcism is bad he said when a spirit leave a person it goes to the desert seeking rest but can't find any so it return to it's former home and person and the spirit will find it empty sweep and clean then the spirit will go find 7 more evil spirit more evil then itself and that person will become worse off then before.
That why it important to wait on the Lord. You have to live long to get perfect works. God will get it done so you don't get hurt. Therefore we body build, we mind build, we soul build, and we spirit build. Yes at Fluid Elapse Ability depending on what is going on with you we do exercise the penis and vagina. It is a part of you and who you are your penis or vagina and we must keep it to healthy and strong. When your penis or vagina is wondering it must be exercised even the doctors know this to a hysteric orgasm. And the only cure is to get married for the righteousness to some one who love sex a lot and love a long time because doctor don't want to service you everyday and it has to be done.
Cliche " poverty is a common fate of scholars". Warriors and Warriorettes we must practice the 7 principal of Kwanzaa with each other this is what a true church do build themselves a perfect community then nation. The building to preach in means nothing and a waste we need to live together so our children live in our culture and government as martial art in church. This is how you have one nations under God indivisible with justice for all. Constantly studying the bible or being a scholar will leave a church broke mentally and physically and will never take care of the community in the perfection required.
Service will be about the care of the people training and exercising, healing, and mending, Mind, Body, Soul, and Spirit; Service Meetings will be about business and it's departments. This is real church and how God and Jesus always instructed to have church.
Being a good shepherd is being a Warrior and Warriorette because you have to fight for what is perfect which today's language we use the word which is right. Therefore we have to protect our children and bring them up in pure heaven born love. Remember when we started existing under two distinct orders the Jews was people who was normal sexuality people who was not homosexual. When the wicked spirit started homosexuality he did away with love ruining pure heaven born love and all was left was sin, passion, and despair.
I am a Jew and I have never been homosexual so I never took up the devils religious practice of homosexuality or which craft which is homosexuality by downlow brothers and sister and homosexuality make sure they get you while your young before you get a change to enjoy your pure heaven born love. Ok image how much you love your father and mother and you never had sex with them, and I know I am crazy in love with my parents and I have never had sex with them this love last forever and it stays with me 24 hours a day then add to that love is the same love for my sister and brothers who I have not had sex with and then my friends whom I have not had sex with and so on even for strangers, and then God. Yes love is all around me and in all the time in though and in my heart body mind soul spirit. If we raise our children under pure heaven born love and let them be Jews get that soul mate in sexual intercourse we build a perfect world for our children. I would not ever do anything to hurt my parents and that love go for everybody else I obey the 10 commandments with ease so with trust increase love and I know you homosexuals may have a hard time to follow the power I am telling you about because the devil rob you when you was young. We are the temple of God and we use to live forever and ever tell homosexuality started worship and made us die and what you got for free as a given you then had to work for by doing everything that poison the temple of God. Yes eat poison, sex practices that cause bodily harm etc.. and many even after reading my lessons 1-11 will refuse to come to the truth. I know how hard it is to stop drinking for ever but if you never drink it is easy to never drink. Yes I am talking about saving our future. I know many will never stop the practice of homosexuality but you can save the children and give them perfect works and save the world. This is the simple truth of it all. Your home work before I write lesson 12 is to read revelations over and over and know the whole bible is talking about sex and sexuality and it was spiritual prostitution of homosexuality that made us unholy meaning whole body, mind, soul, and spirit it is the practice of those that work evil to spread us abroad which cause hysteria in men and women. This is what it means in revelation they will not repent because they will not stop homosexuality and the destruction of the temple of God be it yourself or other and they will not stop murdering of the innocent they will not stop teaching the children homosexuality they have sex with the children even though they know it has been a rap for them they are nasty and full of disease handing the children their death sentence and they will not stop from their witch craft faking like they ain't gay or homosexual leading people on with their homosexual games and spiritual prostitution and disease men and women with their death sentence who are Jews or not gay or not homosexual. Be a peace maker help save the world by repenting meaning if you can't stop your practice ok you will die and you know this but save the world and stop ruining the innocent. Be a Warrior and Warriorette.
The Martial Art In Church Fluid Elapse Ability we are the Gods and Goddess of this world we can and will save it and be the children of God and learn to Live.
The Cliche goes " one house burns so that another my warm itself ". Don't run from the fire and the truth is you can't run from the Fiery Baptism of God. Well you have people who work evil and even the saints get tested, These is about their works and if it is good as in perfect or bad as in error. God baptize with fire checking, healing, mending, repairing your body, mind, soul, and spirit so you can be whole holy make sure everything is in good works as in perfect.
This goes for the teaching and preaching as well this is what Jesus mean by works with faith every house may need something different than the other and our works should be perfect life, love, and living for humanity as gods and goddess of this world, but their is those who work evil in error making their work bad. We all get worked on body, mind, soul, and spirit. So welcome the fruits of labor by God cleansing and purifying to perfection. Cliche " the works praises the man", this is how we know who is possessing us and if we need help from God. What kind of work is being done on you is important and why many have to sit and wait on the Lord because they are doing work to make you ill, sick, diseased, etc, Yes their work is in error and you have to prayer and wait on the Lord to set everything perfect.
In the Quran it tell us that any that gain a hearing by stealth is pursued by a flaming fire bright to see and we have spread out the earth like a carpet set there on mountains firm and immovable and produced therein all kinds of things in due balance and we have provided therein means of subsistence for you and for those whose sustenance you are not responsible. To us are know those who hasten forward and those who lag behind. Therefore we know God the Creator God, God the Ancestral God, God the Holy Ghost God and God the Holy Spirit God is at work for us and protects us from those that stealth. Exorcism is not a good thing to preform on anybody because we do not know what a person need but God do. In Fluid Elapse Ability we Exercise the person body, mind, soul, and spirit so everything is perfect as whole holy.
Cliche " There is no striping a naked man" Jesus explain that exorcism is bad he said when a spirit leave a person it goes to the desert seeking rest but can't find any so it return to it's former home and person and the spirit will find it empty sweep and clean then the spirit will go find 7 more evil spirit more evil then itself and that person will become worse off then before.
That why it important to wait on the Lord. You have to live long to get perfect works. God will get it done so you don't get hurt. Therefore we body build, we mind build, we soul build, and we spirit build. Yes at Fluid Elapse Ability depending on what is going on with you we do exercise the penis and vagina. It is a part of you and who you are your penis or vagina and we must keep it to healthy and strong. When your penis or vagina is wondering it must be exercised even the doctors know this to a hysteric orgasm. And the only cure is to get married for the righteousness to some one who love sex a lot and love a long time because doctor don't want to service you everyday and it has to be done.
Cliche " poverty is a common fate of scholars". Warriors and Warriorettes we must practice the 7 principal of Kwanzaa with each other this is what a true church do build themselves a perfect community then nation. The building to preach in means nothing and a waste we need to live together so our children live in our culture and government as martial art in church. This is how you have one nations under God indivisible with justice for all. Constantly studying the bible or being a scholar will leave a church broke mentally and physically and will never take care of the community in the perfection required.
Service will be about the care of the people training and exercising, healing, and mending, Mind, Body, Soul, and Spirit; Service Meetings will be about business and it's departments. This is real church and how God and Jesus always instructed to have church.
Being a good shepherd is being a Warrior and Warriorette because you have to fight for what is perfect which today's language we use the word which is right. Therefore we have to protect our children and bring them up in pure heaven born love. Remember when we started existing under two distinct orders the Jews was people who was normal sexuality people who was not homosexual. When the wicked spirit started homosexuality he did away with love ruining pure heaven born love and all was left was sin, passion, and despair.
I am a Jew and I have never been homosexual so I never took up the devils religious practice of homosexuality or which craft which is homosexuality by downlow brothers and sister and homosexuality make sure they get you while your young before you get a change to enjoy your pure heaven born love. Ok image how much you love your father and mother and you never had sex with them, and I know I am crazy in love with my parents and I have never had sex with them this love last forever and it stays with me 24 hours a day then add to that love is the same love for my sister and brothers who I have not had sex with and then my friends whom I have not had sex with and so on even for strangers, and then God. Yes love is all around me and in all the time in though and in my heart body mind soul spirit. If we raise our children under pure heaven born love and let them be Jews get that soul mate in sexual intercourse we build a perfect world for our children. I would not ever do anything to hurt my parents and that love go for everybody else I obey the 10 commandments with ease so with trust increase love and I know you homosexuals may have a hard time to follow the power I am telling you about because the devil rob you when you was young. We are the temple of God and we use to live forever and ever tell homosexuality started worship and made us die and what you got for free as a given you then had to work for by doing everything that poison the temple of God. Yes eat poison, sex practices that cause bodily harm etc.. and many even after reading my lessons 1-11 will refuse to come to the truth. I know how hard it is to stop drinking for ever but if you never drink it is easy to never drink. Yes I am talking about saving our future. I know many will never stop the practice of homosexuality but you can save the children and give them perfect works and save the world. This is the simple truth of it all. Your home work before I write lesson 12 is to read revelations over and over and know the whole bible is talking about sex and sexuality and it was spiritual prostitution of homosexuality that made us unholy meaning whole body, mind, soul, and spirit it is the practice of those that work evil to spread us abroad which cause hysteria in men and women. This is what it means in revelation they will not repent because they will not stop homosexuality and the destruction of the temple of God be it yourself or other and they will not stop murdering of the innocent they will not stop teaching the children homosexuality they have sex with the children even though they know it has been a rap for them they are nasty and full of disease handing the children their death sentence and they will not stop from their witch craft faking like they ain't gay or homosexual leading people on with their homosexual games and spiritual prostitution and disease men and women with their death sentence who are Jews or not gay or not homosexual. Be a peace maker help save the world by repenting meaning if you can't stop your practice ok you will die and you know this but save the world and stop ruining the innocent. Be a Warrior and Warriorette.
The Martial Art In Church Fluid Elapse Ability we are the Gods and Goddess of this world we can and will save it and be the children of God and learn to Live.
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