Sunday, October 30, 2016

The Beginning of Worship the Practice in Praxis of Lesson 17 by The ExpoundReformer WaziRi GuRu Varick Camron Choice

We know who we are and can come to the truth and consent to wholesome word thus the Practice in Praxis start with the worship of your own body.  Yes it is your body that is your jail and prison that house mind, soul, and spirit and it is through your body you will grow closer to God or grow away from God. Lesson 17 will teach you the true beginning of worship the Practice in Praxis of Fluid Elapse Ability.

                               This picture below is the Fluid Elapse Ability Flag

Food and Exercise is always the best medicine for your body, mind, soul, and spirit, but Jesus teach us that you can not live by beard and water alone.  What Jesus was talking about is the Fluid in our body given to us by God that keeps our flesh alive. When you die this fluid starts to leave your body the faster it leaves the faster it deteriorate and the slower it leaves the slower the body deteriorates and if it never leave the body never deteriorate. Yes that living water and living light.  Now the Soul and spirit exists outside of time and your body and mind exist inside of time you are your personality which is confined to time keeping you whole body, mind, soul, and spirit. God the creator, God the Ancestral, God the Holy Ghost, and God the Holy Spirit the Great Craftsman and Gardener fashioned man ancient in wisdom working through all things into safe harbors with whom the deed and word are one to execute all the means and all the ends that conceive in deep counsels of the mind; the spirit world was not to them another world from the natural world it was and is the same world as that known to the mind, soul, and spirit.  Our life or divinity was seen incarnate through God fashioning us morality and immortal added with time and space re-incarnate of energy of the mind, soul, spirit in to physical reality of birth, life, and death. God gave us life with God's air or breath yes God's Fluid of pervading influence for God breathed fire into the Universe and the light gave birth to angles that are a part of us and the earth gave birth to man that is a part of us and the fire gave birth to Djinn and many other Fluid creators that are a part of us dwell in the void between the world and us we call them all ghost or spirits or demons. Our Flesh or body is filled with this light or living water or ghost or spirits that keep our body alive, healed, norished etc yet you usually can not see these entity that make you you. This is your energy your Fluid Elapse Ability as mortal and immortal. This is what Jesus mean you need more then bread and water to live hence God will do for you what you can not do for yourself. You mind, body, soul and spirit through it's true form exist with celestial forms.
            Therefore Exercise and Food not Exorcism is the way we can not preform Exorcism only God can do that remember Jesus story of the weeds being planted with the wheat if they pull out the weeds they would hurt the wheat. You don't want to hurt yourself or your children they will grow together and God will deal with them for God know who hasten forward and who lags behind and no depth of death is a mystery to God.
             The beginning of Worships start in Fluid Elapse Ability with you building up your body, mind, soul, and spirit and finding your oneness with yourself and God through Learning your body plane and how to use it, Learning the martial arts and how to use it, acrobats and how to use it meditation; breath control and breath gates and learning how to use it, feeding your body tattoos and learning how to use it, yoga and learning to use it, tantra and learning to use it, building your muscle and learning to use it.  Remember God hate laziness.The best way to Learn these things I am teaching is from me The ExpoundReformer WaziRi GuRu Varick Camron Choice the website is good my books are great but hands on training is always the best. 

I hope this helps you to understand more but keep in mind know one can really draw the breath gates there are many many breath gates never talked about or listed, and yes you breath through your nose, ears, and eyes so with out a proper guide please be careful learning to use breath gates. Your body breath also through your skin etc. Forgive me for not giving all the secrets or a full explanation on my website a lot of this stuff you really need a guide not to hurt yourself and this is my life work my college degree I have to try to make a living off this and serve the Lord at the same time so please do forgive me.

I hope the following help you understand body planes better this is going to be very important when I teach the actual Martial Arts of Fluid Elapse Ability but for now this is just so you can have some understanding of what you need to build yourself in. Again for give me for not giving all the secrets to this on my website this is my college degree I have to make a living and do the Lords work.

Now we practice Fluid Elapse Ability and I am the ExpoundReformer reforming the church your Penis and Vagina is a big part of you and sexual healing is one of the must in life. This is why we don't do religion cause it keep us from building  our self up properly. Now we do practice Tantra but it is really Fluid Elapse Ability and like martial are has always been part of the church so has Tantra but I expound reformed the martial art and Tantra as well taking all the religion out of it hence the lies and enslavement's of religion and the religious. I hope this the following will help you understand Tantra better. Now Tantra is a form of sexual magic to take you higher to God it is not just about getting pleasure but giving pleasure. It is you finding the freak in you your sensual side with some one you love. It comes with exercise and knowing the body well especial the penis and vagina so I am holding back on showing charts it is graphic even the exercise is graphic. Everybody is not lucky to have a spouse so it should be practice then with some one you trust and you will come to love each other and fall in love. Truth be told part of the five God and Jesus talk about Mercy is being humane but that humane is also about having sexual mercy for another in need of sexual healing like widows, widowers, divorced, and person who can find some one to take them higher to God. This is all in the bible but they hide the true meanings of Mercy, Grace, Peace, Truth, and Love. Yes you may need an instructor or a guide to this healing of the body through sex magic cause if you don't know you don't know and the religious slave masters who keep us enslaved from finding our self and God will talk bad about me giving classes and help but you going to believe the bible or not and Jesus told you they will not walk in themselves nor allow anyone else to get to God. Everything I say and do is in true righteousness so please don't think stupid or take me out of context because I doing what Jesus said to do and boldly speak the truth. Please for give me for not giving all the secrets up to this on my website again this is my life work my college degree and I have to make a living and do the Lords work at the same time.

Now your body Tattoos is basic unseen tattoos of God such as your Chakra or the 72 names of God you have body tattoos under your arms on your shoulders etc many people do not show in charts everything including on your booty or buttocks. You even have body tattoos on the penis and vagina but to graphic if I post it all. Please forgive me for not giving up all the secrets on my website I have to make a living and do the Lords work at the same time.

The above aura is part of when you need sexual healing and love to bring your Charkra back bright and brilliant Aura in your Ora again it is best to learn under the instructions of a GuRu.

God hate laziness and you are a goddess right?, you are a god right?, so you should look like it taking great care of your body so the care of your mind, soul, and spirit fall into place. Yes all in the chat is to have exercise with it, yoga with it, muscle and strength training with it and the penis and vagina will not be ignored it is not dirty it is not wrong it needs to be exercise like the rest of your mind, body, soul, and spirit hence with all the chart come meditation, breath control and breath gates exercise Acrobats and Martial Arts and Tribal dance. Anything worth having is worth working for God and yourself is worth working for this is the beginning of true worship. 

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Who are we ? Lesson 16 by the Waziri GuRu

Who are we as members of Fluid Elapse Ability? Who are we as the Church? Who are we as non-profit? Who are we as profit? Who are we as a Business? Who are we as a Peacemaker?.  All will be answered in this Lesson 16 because it is time for the house of the righteous to rule and govern the earth and We are the godly, the righteous, and the upright. We are Blackcolour People the Tribe of Fluid Elapse Ability the melting pot of the rainbow color of Flesh from Black & White person's and every color person's in between of the United States Of America.

            We are True PeaceMakers Standing in Charisma. We are Proficientaccost Political Alliance a department of Fluid Elapse Ability Martial Art In Church that put us in public office as employees, Mayors, Governors, Senators, House of Representatives, lobbyist & lobbyer, on cabinets, common council, alderman and alderwomen etc. Yes we are the Warrior class for God living the way God and Jesus instructed us to live and be a Tribe breeding in building an environment of a perfect society to have life, love and living more abundantly in a perfect civilization of economical socialization  of the United States of American citizens and tribe. 

            We are the house of the righteous who have inherited the earth.  We are the house of the righteous who will rule and govern this country and world to end all crime by delegating truth and love with mercy grace and peace to solve all the problem and corruption of the corrupted hearts and minds in our perfect Government here in the United States of America. We are a Social Club and Political Alliance that work for God and the Tribe of Blackcolour people Fluid Elapse Ability in the United States.  We will put an end to the Enslavement of Capitalism and reinforce our government in the truth as a Tribal government and the tribe is the United State's Citizen. We will put our people in office so the house of the righteous will rule and we will end once and for all the hidden system of enslavement by capitalism so we will end inflation, we will end the lie of a deficit, we will end interest on debts owed on your credit report we will end minimum wage hikes. We will end the employer being forced to be the citizen government. We will end the citizen being force to be the employers slave. We will build our world as the gods and goddesses of our world making everything about the quality of life for all citizens of the United States through science, technology, and agriculture proving our faith by doing the works for we are obedient to God as Gardener's and Craftsmen to honor and respect ourselves and God as we are the image of God.  

 We are the Martial Art In Church Expound Reforming the church to escape the evil design of religion and the religious. Fluid Elapse Ability Martial Art In Church is one business with many departments as School, Social Club, Cleaning Company, Security Company, Political Alliance, Education Advocate, Community Center, MultiMedia, Culture, Tribe, Non-Profit & Profit we are Lobbyist & Lobbyer, Politicians and True Enlightenment. We are the Warrior class Healer of body, mind, soul, and spirit through exercise, food, erbs, vitamin, Meridian, F.E.A massage acupuncture, using your natural energies in Psyche, providing a great culture, Tribe, community, etc to bring the truth of the good news of Work with faith ministry to life as Jesus and God taught us. We are the image of God We are Fluid Elapse Ability. Power is and always have been, and always will be = Ability the power to do anything We are true power made of God and true power is Fluid Elapse Ability.

We are Purgation Cleaning Security and the warrior class of God we are good shepherds & shepherdettes keeping the faith by doing the Work and Works. With this department of Fluid Elapse Ability The Martial Art In Church We fight to purge them bad spirit out your home, businesses, and government through providing a Cleaning Service, Aroma Therapy, and  Home Sitter(s) & Business Sitter(s).  We are the godly who clean, purge, and oversee bring true security to body, mind, soul, and spirit.

We are Educational Advocates of Community Legislation Healing. We are the Education Advocate department of Fluid Elapse Ability we are the Warrior Class of God's We help and educate as an Educational Advocate adults and children into a beautiful culture of Arts, Crafts, Sports, Music, Tribal Dance, Movies, Science, Technology, The 72 names of God, Engineering, Drafting, Current Events, Plays, TV, Radio, Acting, Voice Training, Hygiene & Health, Pageants, Doctoring, Parenting, Law, Astrology, Astronomy, Politics, Conscience, Philosophy, Cliche`s, Exercise, Food & Recipes, Erbs & Vitamins, Martial Arts, Crafts & Trades, Acrobats, and Sex & Sensual Education.

We are Choice, Varick Generator's & Turbine's this department of Fluid Elapse Ability is the department for inventions and innovations to destroy the evil design of modern day materialism and create economical socialization in the Tribe of the Blackcolour man Fluid Elapse Ability in a perfection of cooperative economic utilized to build our world and society with Trouble Free Cars, and Trouble Free Boats brand new with no exhaust & No Engine, No Fuel Yes no need to gas or no need to plug in for only $10,000. to $5,000 Brand New;, Trouble Free Planes, Trouble Free Bus, Trouble Free Helicopter that has no exhaust or no engine and no need for gas or to plug in for $10,000 to $30, 000 Brand New; Free Electric, Free Heat;, One and two bed room Apartment for $200. a Month, 3 and 4 bedrooms for $250. a Month; These will be the homes of the future we build and create as a church and the Tribe of Blackcolour People Fluid Elapse Ability.  We will make cloths, shoes, coats, furniture, jewelry, etc to defeat the evil design of Modern Day Materialism making everything better affordable for us. Better and safer side walks and roads. We will be Very Cogent with the Eco system and build better sewer systems, cleaner water ways for recreation, Cleaner drinking water system, Home in the Sky, Hologram Games & Television, Satellite on Earth etc. Putting the Blackcolour man Tribe Fluid Elapse Ability the most modern day Civilization of the Future in culture and etiquette. This will make us a crime free civilization because no one steals from them self or God.    

 WE are Epithetcal Abacus the department of Fluid Elapse Ability in charge of our MultiMedia such as TV, Radio, News, Magazines, Music, Movies, devices, Show, Plays, Concerts, Enjoyment Parks,  Tribal Ballet, Tribal Dance, Books, Drive Inns, and Hang Outs & Restaurant . This is what a true Church is and this is the Work and Works to be applied to your faith. One Nation Under God Indivisible with justice for all with equality for all in welfare.


Tuesday, October 4, 2016

ORa Your Ozone of Aura Lesson 15 by the WaziRi GuRu Varick Choice

            Your Ora is is your personal and private force field with atmosphere of your body, mind, soul, and spirit. Yes Ora is spelled correct for the power is in the word O-Ra. Your Ora is your force field a protective force that protect working as your ozone. 

Your ozone is as the earth ozone around the earth it hold you together in life force energy surrounding your body in a perfect sphere. Your Ora is a very reactive form of air or atmosphere with electric discharge surrounding you in within your body planes and with in your Ora you have troposphere, stratosphere, and ozone and the mix of air and pervading influence that animates the body give off an aura as your Ora acts as a prism. 

We are connected to the heavens and our aura is our personal aurora filled with beautiful colors like in a rainbow.  Yes your aura acts as an aurora from the same energies and air or pervading influences that make an Aurora in the sky.  An Aurora is a display of lights in the night sky of northern latitudes at the top half of the earth; high altitude or air especially radiation make many colors flashing luminosity visible in the night skies of the polar particles especially of solar origin into the earth's magnetic field make light compare to a rainbow of air glowing acting in the same manor as our aura inside our Ora being a distinctive atmosphere of the individual body giving off luminous radiation an invisible breath or emanation acting and being active and reactive with your magnetic flux.

 Your influences such as mode, feeling, mood, personality, Yin & Yang or male & female entity , emotions, key, chi, ki, and psyche help make up the aura you give of  and can change the color of your aura with the changes in mode, or mood of your influences. 
Here is how they break it down different from Fluid Elapse Ability and make it more confusing taking God out of it.  You have to remember a rainbow can be broken down like this as it's prism brake down the light.  We or our body is our world and planet the Ora is ozone and inside that ozone is air or atmosphere with your own magnetic field your Ora hold all your personal life energy in and your radiation mixed with gases or air given off by the body mixed with your magnetic field and your electricity make the air or atmosphere become luminosity with in your troposphere, stratosphere, and ozone. All they are doing is calling your Ora = Ketheric Template and braking down the rainbow of color fusion of light mixing making the color of the rainbow and that is so incomplete.  So this chart is so you can understand them and the Fluid Elapse Ability way of explaining the Ora and Aura in the ORa. Hope this gives you better understanding.

With this Chart they are trying to explain how mode and mood can change the colors of your Aura inside your Ora. As mode or mood change the gases, electric energy, and radiation you give off change hence affecting the colors of your Aura.

God is a Fluid Elapse Ability of Powers, Works, and Energies that is to much to even try to explain for God breathed his breath in us to animate us to life just as he breathed fire into the Universe and the Light gave birth to Angels and the Earth gave birth to man and the Fire gave birth to Demons. This chart is to show the mode & mood emotional balance of color in your Aura. 

God is always God and God do not change but gave us life with his breath; that breath is what gave us life the Ra or Ruah of O. Again God is to much for me to explain God I just can explain God with us as we are his creation. Now YHWH father is EL O HIM and in the bible they say a lot of O for O God, O Israel etc; the word for human is Adam and the word for God is EL so the power is in the word ORa for O is the meaning of God with us. Remember God said let us make man in our image. Yes the power is in the word ora has the meaning for mouth or plural like language or the word as more then one mouth. God is spelled with capital letter hence the big O and Ra being the breath breathing in and out our nose and body and also as God being Spirit the spelling of ORa is correct and pronounced O-Ra. I left it at ora in the beginning so you can wonder what I'm talking about and ketch on at the end to have full understanding of the ORa.

There is so many name of God that this chart don't even begin to tap into every name, but these is what most go by today. Each word for God is really saying something about what God do so no matter the name you will see alot in the spelling YA, EL, O, HIM. That 4 you will see all the time but we all speak different language so YA may be JA, GA, or HIM my be MMMM, HUM, and etc.

 O and Ra are Gods and we know the Ra is air flow energizing the body and O being as the Lord of all Lords with us so we are made of God and God said his spirit could not take man living more then a 120 years because of all the events and going on in the bible. 

Yes it is because of those who started worship and spiritual prostitution we die; those that war against God perfect creation because the flesh is weak meaning we do what feels good so to be homosexual they warred against God to be like the Most High and ruin pure heaven born love as the 2 powers now of Good and Bad and the creation grew and traveled together in Sin, Passion, and Despair. When something is perfect you can not improve it or make it better to add or change something just takes it out of it's perfection.This chart again is just explain colors with mode and mood of emotions.

We must be loved in the 72 names of God we must be loved with the 72 names of God and all is Gods so no one really can get away from God or they die hence the Bad has to travel with the Good or face extinction because we are nothing with out God. So yes Homosexuality is the bad the devil the trick the trap that travels with the good that brings us to sickness, disease, psychosis, and death bringing us out of the perfection of our creations they are the rebellious the bible speak of men and women warring against God for immoral sensuality. We are made mortal and immortal and because of worship and warring against God perfection we die by death of the body and die to the world we know today and live immortal life in death.  If they had not warred against God we stay mortal and immortal in the body and live forever.

The Twelve Principles of Virtual Pleasure is how they toy with us trying to say who sex is the best but the truth is we all feel good and they take your ability of being whole or wholly away as those who work evil or learn to work your sense's. Evil is LIVE and LIFE is EFIL and EVOL is LOVE this is how the devil be like the most high controlling and taking away you sense of LIVE,LIFE,LOVE and tricking you he is better and for you to want EVIL,EFIL,EVOL which is still all of you. Your feelings and emotions is part of the breath of God as air consist of many different particles and pervading influence's such as static, electricity, magnetism, suffix chemicals, etc and that makes everything in the world thus there is spirits, souls, and minds in the air as well; All a part of the breath of God; so you should kind of see now how God spoke everything into existence. We are Body, Mind, Soul, and Spirit the temple of God, Yes we are God Dwelling place and God is the Creator, the Ancestor, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Ghost of us. You see God is Fluid Elapse Ability yes Fluid, air, pervading influences, Spirit, Soul, Mind,; Yes God is Elapse, time and space, magnetic flux; And Yes God is Ability the Power to do Anything.

This chart is the keys in Fluid Elapse Ability from the Phrenological Chart or Organs. Number 33 is Key 33 is Language the eyes and so on all part of the 72 names of God in explanation from Fluid Elapse Ability so you can better understand you are the temple of God and how you are the temple of God.

Your body plane's are also part of the 72 names of God but I want to save the explanation of body plane for when I start to teach

exercise and the Martial Arts. There is much more to the body plane then what you see but this is the basic body plane your ORa surrounds your private space.  This is the point to intimacy who you allow in your space remember it is your personal world and planet. Family is always close because we always allow them in our personal space with happiness in the most moral way of true joy of life, love, and living.  That keeps us strong and health body, mind, soul, and spirit. Hence the purpose of creating a untrusting world to rob us of the true joy of humanity and the perfection of God creation. Yes I love you in the 72 names of God Yes I love you with the 72 names of God.

This is how they explain the 72 names of God to you in the chart below. Most will never understand it.

I hope you are enjoying each lesson from The WaziRi GuRu Varick Camron Choice and I hope they help heal you as a blessing from Jesus who fought to heal us from religious lies and all the man made religious burdens put on us. One Love.