Lesson 18 Key words church over religion:
Each person that is a members of Fluid Elapse Ability should be endowed with "Piety" without being religious demoralizing humanity for what we are and who we are. The key words I am about to list to give you a better understanding of church and the words used in Piety that give mean to sacred things in religion as applied in church with out being religious so you can hold respect and better focus on church and church apply to your body, mind, soul and spirit you are fashioned with by God the Quadruple God who is God the Creator, God the Ancestral, God the Holy Ghost, and God the Holy Spirit.
We start with the word "Sacraments". which is typically any of the seven rites of the Christian church but there are more churches with sacred ceremonies.
4 Kwanzaa for it is something considered to have sacred significance as a spiritual symbol and bond to God a person preform for them self and family.
Sacramental are objects, things, person or actions set apart or blessed, relating to sacraments as tools or utensils such as holy water or the sign of the cross. Pertaining to of the nature of, or used in a sacrament. The object, thing, person, or action consecrated or bound by or efficacy of a sacrament.
Sacrilege is a violation or misuse or theft of what ever is regarded as sacred. Such as defamation, slander, desecration, and irreverence.
Desecration is more physical violation or misuse of what ever is regarded as sacred as to remove the consecration from person, place or thing, to abuse the sacredness of ; subject profane.
Profane is relating or devote to that which
is not scared of biblical, secular rather than religious; behavior not respectful or orthodox religious practice irreverent such as ungodly, godless, unbelieving, impious, defile, violate, desecrate, and sacrilegious. Not concern with religion; serving to debase what is holy. Showing contempt or irreverence toward God or sacred things; blasphemous.
Baptism a Christian sacrament; a washing with water for cleansing from sin, linked with repentance and admission into the community of faith; figurative of an ordeal or initiation. Symbolic of regeneration. Ceremony. Any ceremony, trial , or experience by which one is initiated, purified, or given a name. Signifying spiritual cleansing, or purification.
Confession is to acknowledge our sins with true sorrow before the priest with the intention of returning to God like the prodigal son. To admit or acknowledge sin or faith creedal statement.
Blasphemy to dishonor or revile God. Irreverence toward God or anything sacred. Any contemptuous or profane act, utterance, or writing concerning God. Theology. Judaism. The mention of the sacred ineffable name of God.
Confirmation the action of confirming something or the state of being confirm; affirms belief and is admitted as a full member of the church
Matrimony is marriage, wedlock; figurative of any close union often with God.
Adultery unlawful sexual relations between a married and an unmarried person prone to spiritual prostitution and spiritual adultery or idolatry.
Sin is moral evil; transgression of or rebellion against God's Law's; perversion of the heart; missing the mark; the moon god Sin who shine his light so God can see what being done, a light bearer.
Fornication is illicit sexual intercourse; beastiality.
Minister (ed) (ing) (s) one who serves or assists another of higher rank; exercise of one's gifts and resources
Eucharist is a ceremony commemorating the Last Supper with Jesus in which wine and bread are consecrated and consumed.
Body of Christ refer to the members of the church who follow Jesus teachings and Jesus words over the bread at the last supper "This is my Body" Luke 22:19-20. Jesus is seen as the head of the Christian Church the Body so the body are seen as the members of the church and faith.
Anointing of the sick is a sacrament as the last rite when a person is sick and sometimes the ceremony of the last supper is performed along with confession.
The Church is assembly of body mind soul spirit that each human is fashioned with, or the body believers in accord.
Sacrifice is the offering of something precious to a deity or god or God or the thing offered; a loss or deprivation offer or give up as a sacrifice