Everything has a Culture to it and rules to the game that becomes a religion. There is more religion in this world then biblical religion. There is homosexual religion, human trafficking religion, drug life religion, pimp life religion, madam life religion, prostitute religion, gang religion, hood code religion, honor among thieves religion, racism religion, ho religion, slut religion, governmental religion, etc all religion is design to enslave and exploit those of innocents, ignorance and just nieve.
This is why Jesus was against religion because it take the people out of God's perfection for humanity that is God's word so we can live perfect lives in humanity within our love, life and living.
"If people base their identity on identifying with authority, freedom causes anxiety. They must then conceal the victim in themselves by resorting to violence against others." ( Arno Gruen)
The Democracy has always been the most hated and fear government of failure because it has never been a true democracy. The citizens are the Democracy and you would think they would build a perfect government to take care of every one equally in abundance, but that never happens because the citizen get controlled by gangs, human traffickers, drug crews, etc therefore what the Democracy should do never get done because they fear the people that control society with corrupted hearts and minds.
Then the people look to the Republic to build a perfect society the way God instructs us to live under the Ten Commandments because the Democracy will not do it the Democracy will build a world of self seeking full of murder, lewdness, exploitation in coveted practices, and the torture of denying many people God given human rights, privileges and immunity's. The Republic works fine but the problem is the corruption of the Republic and the people who will enforce the laws because the citizen yes the Democracy only listens and work for the corrupted heart and minds that rule society thus hiring the corrupted hearts and minds to rule over them again so then the people have to look to the Monarchy to restore God's Laws and the only way the Monarchy can restore God's Laws is by hunting down and getting rid of all the corrupted hearts and minds that enslave the citizen who is the Democracy but by doing this the Monarchy will be called a Tyrant because the Monarchy went to war to get rid of the Tyrants in society that are the corrupted hearts and minds that keep us from a perfect society. This is where we are at because the good people need protection from the bad people.
Human trafficking has been made into a life style and is a generational cures. The traffickers prey on the men children who are ignorant about human trafficking religion and life style. These innocent men are church boy, and all around good men who just want a wife and to live a good life. These innocent men do not know that the women they are having children by are victims or part of the human trafficking game and the women pimps, and madams are always around as so called family or a friend. While these innocent men are at work or away from home the human traffickers are at work with there children. We are raised up generation to generation in this world as humanity and most of us good people never figure out what wrong with our children and whats wrong with our love life. The problem is the human trafficking generational cures. The wife will not preform or love the husband because she is under orders from the human traffickers and the children go haywire because they are under orders from the human trafficker. You don't give good people to bad people because the bad people will ruin and hurt the good.
Proverbs 6:12-19 Here is a description of worthless and wicked people; They are constant liars, signaling their true intentions to their friends or frends by making signs with their eyes and feet and fingers. Their perverted hearts plot evil. They stir up trouble constantly. but they will be destroyed suddenly, broken beyond all hope of healing. There are six things the Lord hates- no, seven thing the Lord detest:
Haughty Eyes,
A Lying Tongue,
Hands that kill the Innocent,
A heart that plots Evil,
Feet that race to do Wrong,
A false witness who pours out Lies,
A person who sows discord among brothers.
We as innocent black men call the human trafficker family and they say family but we are taking two different things but get confuse that they are talking normal family like we are. We never get the love we deserve from our baby moma or wife because they will not preform for us because they belong to the human traffickers and know we are ignorant and the human traffickers got they crime family all around us and know all about us but we don't know them or have a clue to what is going on. Then you have the young men punked out by gangs to do they dirty work the gang pushing brainwashing or fear to get the child to be like them, the boy won't even tell his dad what is going on. We as innocent black men look at all that is going on around us and amid as normal because this stuff has been going on since we was born. We talk like pimp and gang banger, we walk like pimps and gang banger but do not partake in that life style we are black men acting black to us. We even buying in to drinking and getting high trying to be like the cool people totally unaware of what every body is putting down in our own neighborhoods. These people are the uncle tom's and uncle tomette's and we look up to them even for help, but they are the crabs in the barrels who keep us down poverty pimping us and getting us to be behind their exploitation of us because everything we know we learn is from them. They are even our mothers and fathers.
Yes they all strive on religion and all religion is put together like this to make you believe in them or fear them or fear God dehumanizing your humanity.
Remember all these cultures that is bad thrive on religion and like human traffickers who's my main topic of our destruction of self they all use the religious practice of Force, Fraud, Coercion, and Conspiracy. Yes all religion is based on the con of Force, Fraud, Coercion, and Conspiracy because if they don't do that the Democracy will work and build a perfect world the religious don't want; The religious what you to worship them so they take away everything you need then later giving it back to you while they keep you enslaved in their lust, lewd behaviors, because of their lust for power and desire to be worshiped and to indulge with out fear in their pleasure to inflect pain and conflict on others. You see religion is human trafficking and the root to all evil.
religion involves threats of harm, any scheme plan or pattern of abuse to a person braking the will by dehumanization to become a victim of the religious plan and will; while keeping it's victim ignorant to the true motives of the whole vehicle as a vice.
Proverbs 5:1- 23 ( Avoid Immoral Women) My son, pay attention to my wisdom: listen carefully to my wise counsel. Then you will learn to be discreet and will store up knowledge. The lips of an immoral woman are as sweet as honey, and her mouth is smoother than oil. But the result is as bitter as poison, sharp as a double edged sword. Her feet go down to death; her steps lead straight to the grave. For she does not care about the path to life. She staggers down a crooked trail and doesn't even realize where it leads. So now, my son, listen to me. Never stray from what I am about to say: Run from her! Don't go near the door of her house! If you do, you will lose your honor and hand over to merciless people everything you have achieved in life. Strangers will obtain your wealth, and someone else will enjoy the fruit of your labor. Afterward you will groan in anguish when disease consumes your body, and you will say, " How I hated discipline! If only I had not demanded my own way! Oh, why didn't I listen to my teachers? Why didn't I pay attention to those who gave me instructions? I have come to the brink of utter ruin, and now I must face public disgrace." Drink water from your own well share your love only with your wife. Why spill the water of your spring in public, having sex with just anyone? You should reserve it for yourselves. Don't share it with strangers. Let your wife be a fountain of blessing for you. Rejoice in the wife of your youth. She is a loving doe, a graceful deer. Let her breasts satisfy you always. May you always be captivated by her love. Why be captivated, my son, with an immoral woman, or embrace the breast of an adulterous woman? For the Lord sees clearly what a man does, examining every path he takes. An evil man is held captive by his own sins; they are ropes that catch and hold him. He will die for lack of self-control; he will be lost because of his incredible folly.
Now they are taking people wives so you can not escape these merciless men and women in human trafficking. You will lose everything to them and be wondering what is going on and why you can not get your life right because you are a victim of generational human trafficking.
They demoralize the victim through fraud and lies so the victim can never come to the truth. And the only truth they do come to is that they are trapped and hopeless.
Proverbs 7:1-27 (Another Warning about Immoral Women) Follow my advice, my son; always treasure my commands. Obey them and live! Guard my teaching as your most precious possession. Tie them on your fingers as a reminder. Write them deep within your heart. Love wisdom like a sister; make insight a beloved member of your family. Let them hold you back from an affair with an immoral woman, from listening to flattery of an adulterous woman. I was looking out the window of my house one day and saw a simple minded young man who lacked common sense. He was crossing the street near the house of an immoral woman. He was strolling down the path by her house at twilight, as the day was fading, as the dark of night set in. The woman approached him, dressed seductively and sly of heart. She was the brash, rebellious type who never stays at home. She often seen in the streets and markets, soliciting at every corner. She threw her arms around him and kissed him, and with a brazen look she said, I've offered my sacrifices and just finished my vows. It's you I was looking for! I came out to find you, and here you are! My bed is spread with colored sheets of finest linen imported from Egypt. I've perfumed my bed with myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon. Come, let's drink our fill of love until morning. Let's enjoy each other's caresses, for my husband is not home. He's away on a long trip. He has taken a wallet full of money with him, and he won't return until later in the month." So she seduced him with her pretty speech. with her flattery she enticed him. He followed her at once, like an ox going to the slaughter or like a trapped stag, awaiting the arrow that would pierce its heart. he was like a bird Flying into a snare, little knowing it would cost him his life. Listen to me sons, and pay attention to my words. Don't let your hearts stray away towards her. Don't wander down her wayward path. For she has been the ruin of many; numerous men have been her victims. Her house is the road to the grave. Her bedroom is the den of death. These women know they have men that will rob other people or murder men for them. They have many games and many cons. The men is never far be hided with a merciless crew who surrounds their victims homes. The victim will even call these men friends as they move in all around him in the victim's neighborhood. This human trafficking is real and they even set up homes for sell and rental property to become what is known today "Organized Stalking" or Gang Stalking I call it communism in America. They enter the victims home illegally, the surveillance the victims homes with video cameras illegally and many more criminal invasion of the victim privacy and private life. Many ex-police officers is part of this as well as the police still in office are partaker and party to the crime of Organized Stalking.
Religion use force to over come the victims of fear, doubt, dread, and despair. And they are merciless in this practice dehumanizing it's victims.
Proverbs 9:13-18 (Folly Calls for a Hearing) The woman named folly is loud and brash she is ignorant and doesn't even know it. She sits in her doorway on the heights overlooking the city. She calls out to men going by who are minding their own business. "Come home with me," she urges the simple. To those without good judgment, she say's "Stolen water is refreshing; food eaten in secret tastes the best!" But the men don't realize that her former guest are now in the grave.
Yes the religious have the same practice as proverbs explain. In secret.
God gave us good teacher and philosophers for a reason. You have to have some one in the house with wisdom and wisdom is only gained through long life. Many get the knowledge of wisdom early in life but do not know what to do with that knowledge because they are to young and have not live long enough to have wisdom nor to be wise. Yes it is for the father to pass down church and culture to the children with the help of the mother. This is why the religious, and human traffickers keep good men and church boys ignorant so they can not pass down the knowledge of protection or band together to protect their family from the religious and human traffickers. The trinity God are cool but it is incomplete it like they say body, mind, spirit. That is incomplete we are made of more then body, mind, spirit, we have a soul therefore the true complete saying is body, mind, soul, and spirit in any order. The trinity God represent Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit but that is a peace of God not all of God and not all of us. All of God is the Quadruple God as we are the temple of God being human made of body, mind, soul and spirit; The Quadruple God is made of God the Creator God, God the Ancestral God, God the Holy Ghost God, and God the Holy Spirit God. This to is important to know to be whole and complete and with in the Quadruple God you do have Father, Son, and Holy Spirit because God said let us make man in our image so the trinity God is so incomplete because it suppose to read Father, Son, Daughter, Mother but because of worship they add only that they want to worship and because of worship we became un-whole yes unholy not complete. This is what religion and human trafficking do to us it take us out of the perfection of God and teach us to die, murder, kill, destroy, be self destructive, and create division. They teach everything God is against have to stay in the word of God to live, love and build to perfection. The more you read the bible yourself the more you will learn they don't do anything Jesus say. They don't follow the golden rules. They are over judgmental to dehumanize you with there man made laws and rules yes religion putting over 2000 burdens on you like Jesus explain a do nothing to relieve you of all those burdens real to life human traffickers. They rob you of the fact you are a god or goddess made in the image of God.
Religion will not teach you properly because it is man made law to be a human trafficker yes creating people who feet will rush to do evil. Now evil is not always bad it becomes bad when they start mess people up with evil. They will not teach you that you are Capital and how to build your body, mind, soul, and spirit or your capital which is yourself. They want you to squander time for that is the stuff life is made of like Jesus said teaching you faith but never teaching you works. Yes people loss of sincerity is loss of vital power and power is and always will be ability yes people true power has always been Fluid Elapse Ability.
We must carve a world out of our own reality but how can we carve a perfect world out of our own reality when it is filled with human trafficking and religion pushed by corrupted hearts and minds and these are our teachers to how to live life, love, and living.?
Proverbs 4:14-17 Do not do as the wick do or follow the path of evildoers. Avoid their haunts. Turn away and go somewhere else, for evil people cannot sleep until they done their evil deed for the day. They cannot rest unless they have caused someone to stumble. They eat wickedness and drink violence!
How can you have proper dispatch if you are part of a religious family dispatching in Force, Fraud, Coercion, and conspiracy.? How can that be edifying for the hearers and hearettes with all that self seeking, and self righteousness and dehumanizing work far from the golden rules.
Proverb 4:24 Avoid all perverse talk; stay far from corrupted speech.
Don't you think knowing the truth about Sin is important to you as a Christian. Why do the religions refuse to tell you what and who Sin is.
Proverbs 24:15-16 Do not lie in wait like an outlaw at the house of the godly. And don't raid the house where the godly live. They may trip seven times, but each time they will rise again. But one calamity is enough to lay the wicked low.
Sin is a moon God YHWH is a Goddess and Marduk is her husband who save Sin because Sin worked for God showing what they did in the dark. So if you are close to Sin that means God can see you even in the dark. Why would you not want God to see you? So if God thought Sin the moon God who is a light barer was important to save and all Sin did was shine his light on you so God could see what they was doing to you, why run? why stay away from Sin?
Girls know the different of guys who are players and are real pimps and players who are not pimps but try and are jerks and players who are normal guys and church boy running around looking for a wife. The normal guys and the church boys get the kisses for they are sweet hearts not pimps because girls know what they do and how they do and know the innocent out here alive in love, life, and living so they usually check themselves if she is a righteous girl.
True comedy "said Voltaire" is the speaking picture of the follies and foibles of a Nation."
Proverbs 16:27 An ungodly man digs up evil and it is on his lips like a burning fire he winks his eye to devise perverse things; he purse his lips and brings about evil.
We all want to look good and keep to the styles and trends as we are all attracted to riches, good looks, great bodies, nice hair, etc but we must stand in the principles of God. Dress, language, style does not matter all that matter is God word and God principles.
Girls know what they do and how they do it for them to keep knocking us down as men is wrong. You have to do business with a person if you are ever really going to know what kind of person they are. Everybody lives a righteous person hence heaven has no favorites, Heaven is always with a good man.
Life, love, and living is good who we are as a people is good most church boys call them self players chasing after a wife and yes we be black and swagged out. How is a person suppose to find a wife? Where do a person suppose to look for a wife. There is only religious culture there is few people living in the church culture God word and God principle. The point religion is going to tell you are wrong trying to find a wife that means you are going to try more then one woman in this world. If you can find a woman that is a virgin marry her fast before someone else take it. If like most of us even your Pastors and Ministers got a woman who is not a virgin marry her fast so other will not enter your relationships but only after you tried her and she is submissive and don't come with some strange tricks and there no other way to find out but to try. The men of the bible did this and God approved now the religious want to tell you what is good righteous practice is sin or wrong so it is impossible for church boy to have a wife because how many 18 year old virgin is out there? And the religious tell you you can not marry a woman that is not pure and if you listen to the religious and wait a long time to get married to a woman not pure surly she will be having sex with some one else helping human traffickers and if you marry her quick with out trying she may never be submissive and ruin your love feast and endanger your house with a unfaithful adulteress woman. Remember you never know a person til you do business with them. Marriage is business the business of love, life and living live with family.
Sad to say but the leaders of our society are the criminal's and the corrupt in heart and mind. Those 4 pictures above are pictures of me all swagged out; I did this because you can not judge a book by it's cover it goes ether way to who or what some one is or about. I am a black man so no matter how I dress people are going to view me how they view black men. So I don't can I dress like a black man and dress for the day, time, or event like everybody else. My black culture and swag do not make me unacceptable to God that is a religious lie live my black culture is wrong. Even playing drums in church would be wrong to some religion even black religion want to tell black kids Gospel rap is wrong but that just religious lies.
We emulate the rich and wealth and in the cities especially the ghetto's, slum's and poverty communities the rich or people with money, flash, and leadership are criminal's and the corrupt in heart and mind.
" The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the county to danger. It works the same in any country." ( Hermann Goering)
This also work the same in any community with it's leaders especially with criminals and the corrupt in heart and mind they run that game to keep people faithful to them and their cause.
Yes Human trafficking is made into a life style of poverty and convenience. Here are some fact to what is going on that right under your nose but you don't even realize the human trafficking is going on.
Human trafficking;
* It is made to look like this is what he or she wants to do.
* It is part of your family and business it is be them victim or trafficker your kin, friend, employee, employer, police, government, the uncle tom's and tomette's.
* Disguised as gangs, and family creating young murders be them victim or traffickers or brain wash.
* Church people, good men and children are main targets because they stay out the world and don't know what going on around them and it all seem normal to them.
* Organized Stalking or Gang Stalking is a big vehicle for human traffickers this involves illegal surveillance and harassment of targets in and out there homes by multiple perpetrators called perps or brown nosers working together.
* People who really want to help victims and try to will feel like a victim because there is no one to turn to and police and politicians will not get involved.
*The victim come off like they are strong and don't need help often pushing people away.
* Victims make people not like them because of fear for others the trafficker may hurt.
* The dehumanize the victims.
* They have pimp laws that help to protect the pimp and to keep the victims from running away from organized criminal help victim look free but are not trafficker are keeping watch on them and it seem like normal people in your neighborhood cause you know them.
* They speak family and you speak family but they are taking trafficking family and you think they showing strong friendship and love.
* Traffickers teach them to get kicked out the house or go to a foster home so the trafficker can get to them and use them better.
* They black list or black ball good parents from having employment so the parent can take care of the child better then them and so victim can have a reason for the need of life, and living. They do this with old or ex victims who work or have public office and get the parent fired or never given a chance at employment.
* Good men but ignorant to the generational traffickers will have babies by the victim and the mother and the trafficker will then start pimping the children with out the father ever knowing.
* never can leave cause victim owe money.
* Threats of harm to the victims family and friends.
* With holds documents like ID, etc so can't leave by plan, bus, boat, etc.
* Forced to have sex with boyfriends friends. Parents just think boyfriend problems and can't see what is really going on.
* Forced pregnancy abortions.
* Confinement, kept under guards, surveillance.
*Use of restraints.
* Kidnapping, and recapture of escaped victims.
* Removal off victim children.
* Controlled by drugs.
* Denial of food, water, medical care, etc.
* Rape, Sexual Abuse, Harassment, beatings, and torture.
* Forced to met quotas.
* Verbal Abuse
* Threaten to use photos, videos, etc.
* Mothers are traffickers and some fathers.
* Victim always need a ride some where.
You get your riches from your wealth and your wealth is your children and land. Human trafficker is taking your children and your land away from you and teaching your children there culture. Wake up join Fluid Elapse Ability and let keep a beautiful culture of church with the word of God and God principles. We must build and live together in our own community with our own government. That is Works with faith.
Thursday, July 14, 2016
Growing up in Generational Human Trafficking Blinded, Crippled, and Crazy Lesson 13 by WaziRi GuRu Varick Choice
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