Friday, January 18, 2019

I am the ExpoundReformer WaziRi GuRu Varick Choice Creator, Founder, and Sole Owner of Fluid Elapse Ability & Proficientaccost Political Alliance deal with me Direct Call (414) 517-6006

I am the ExpoundReformer WaziRi GuRu Varick Choice Creator, Founder, and Sole Owner of Fluid Elapse Ability & Proficientaccost Political Alliance. I was cheated by facebook so I no longer trust facebook especially messenger so deal with me Direct the old school way by regular telephone (414) 517-6006 Time I posted my number they made my Sim Card have a error then stop my phone battery from charging I with Boost Mobile. I'm done the Government and these foreigners have gotten to powerful to keep letting them extort me with mobile phones or any of there Technology. They got my car batter shut down to. Im done.

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