The Spirit's of God's is real and very busy in our Live, Life, Love, and Living. Form is Essential to Function it Essence is in Humanity connected to God as a perfected Creation of god and goddess through Pervading Influence we are made whole holy and thus we are nourished. Lesson 5
Fluid Elapse Ability members must memorize the poem " Path to Life " written by the WaziRi GuRu Varick Camron Choice to stay strong in principles and to be free to move with the currents of style, flavor, convenience, language, with cultural and technological transitions. For The great Buda said " Consciousness troubled by desire cannot be freed and wisdom troubled by ignorance cannot be developed; one can make ones desires disappear by freeing ones mind thus making ignorance disappear by freeing one wisdom."
Path To Life
The correct path to life is simplicity keeping humble and meek creating love and grace embracing virtue with integrity and honor with dignity bathing daily in truth being true to oneself embracing enlightenment through wisdom finding jubilee through good judgment for the building blocks to life is both male and female you must build your habitat to create a beautiful ORA.
Yes being made whole holy by God's Spirit's is real something we all have to go through to be whole holy perfect as self with our humanity. But how can you have a sound mind in today's world with out a culture?, and if you do not have a sound mind how can you be made whole holy? How did we get this far as Blacks, Afro Americans, African American, Niggas, Negros, Nigers, Moloto's, Half Breeds, Whites and Coloured people with out a culture?... The Real question who keep culture? How did we get lost?
We have always had culture but can not find it because only the church keeps your culture and we have no church here in America that will keep our culture they bring us into there culture.
I love everybody and I do love white people but what was they going to do they had to give us something so they gave us they religion and we accepted it thus loosing our culture even though it is in front of us all the time. This is the major point to Fluid Elapse Ability to build a better culture for us as the BlackColoured man, because only the church is going to keep and hold your culture and pass it down generation to generation one nation under God. This is how we will heal our people and become whole holy because the bible state it clearly if you do not take care of your own then you are worst then an unbeliever. I am not going to turn this lesson into a history lesson, but it is important for you to know so God can have his perfect works making you whole holy in your body, mind, soul, spirit through a beautiful culture in the Martial Art in Church.
The true nature and essence of ministry is captured in the members culture as a Church and government, thus there is no such thing as separation of church and state or church and government. The correct statement of the proper separation is separation of religion and state or religion and government. Church is Body, Mind, Soul, and Spirit of which make up each person that is living in the State or Government hence it can not be separated. Religion can not be forced on anyone in this country so it must be separated from the State and the Government. Fluid Elapse Ability has no religion!!!!...... Fluid Elapse Ability just teach you to build the church which is body, mind, soul and spirit of which we are made of church being the temple of God and to find your power through the martial art to get to your own Psyche as a god or a goddess that you are. Hence work with faith ministry. Fluid Elapse Ability also teach you to build your energy with the pervading influence that enter all our bodies, mind, soul, and spirits nourishing our life force that animates us or keep us in good health, healing us, etc that we call God. So what is God?, God is the air who formed all the planets in a perfect circle or sphere with his hands as air the creator of all life and the sustainer of all life. Everything come from the air thus everything come from God. The most powerful force know in the world is Air thus God. Who can really explain air? Nobody! Who can explain God Nobody, but Fluid Elapse Ability explains how God works with us. What is radio waves but air. Get It?, now you know God is real and live in you!....
Therefore we never argue over words with science or the supernatural, nor consciences, nor religion because it is all real. Religion is some man made process that is Worsesome, Warsome, and Worrysome. Fluid Elapse Ability reject all religion and do not practice it.
Thus to be whole holy you need a good culture to stop being poor spiritually mentally and physically. God is air, time, and space and know who hasten forward and who lag behind thus God will do what you can not do for yourself. Yes God will also get your sustains from those who are not responsible for it be them thieves, trespasser, or frends. Thus you must have Works with Faith.
You have to live and live long to reach perfection for God to have his perfect works with you for you are the temple of God. You can't live 5 years and think God is done with you you are still growing and people use to live past 900 years old so we are truly children. When we encounter his holiness at work in us we discover that holiness mean being set apart and dedicated solely to God; being used by God for his purpose and will; being sexually pure before the Lord; being pure in motives, thoughts, and feelings. So be patent and wait on the Lord remember things take time for perfection to have perfect works. We are born babies and we grow to adults and we don't suppose to die we suppose to live forever. Death is failure. You would not drink poison if you do not want to die so why practice sexual immorality and shorten your life.
One of our most beautiful Holidays hand to us as part of our culture that has no religion in it is Kwanzaa. Kwanzaa give us the 7 principle to build and keep a beautiful culture and a thriving civilization through out the whole year is living by the 7 principle you must memorize for true edification and they are:
1) Unity
2) Self Determination
3) Collective Work and Responsibility
4) Cooperative Economic
5) Purpose
6) Creativity
7) Faith
Unity-To strive for and maintain unity in family, community, nation, culture, and race.
Self Determination- to define our selves, to name our selves,to speak for our selves, and to create for our selves, not to be defined or spoken for by others.
Collective Work and Responsibility- To build and maintain our community together and to make our brothers and sister problems our problems and to solve them together.
Cooperative Economic- To build and maintain our own shops and other businesses and to profit together from them businesses.
Purpose- To make as our collective vocation the building and developing of our community in order to restore our people to there traditional and new creative greatness.
Creativity- To do always as much as we can in the way we can in order to leave our communities more beautiful and beneficial then when we inherited it.
Faith- To believe with all our hearts in our parents, in our teachers, in our leaders, in our people, in our selves, and the righteousness and victory of our struggles.
If you do not believe in God then you don't believe in air, so you can stop breathing and see how that works for you. Air is the invisible proof there is a God that cares for us for the only one who know how to arrange air and make water is God how to arrange air and make trees or matter or particle is God, the only one who know how to arrange air and make light and rays of energy is God . If you don't believe in radio waves then you don't believe in science and science believe in air and radio wave and atoms so who is putting all this air together to make all this stuff yeah I told you we do not argue over words, it just magic that put all the air together, its the wind, or gravity, or a magnetic force, it is a miracle, yeah it is God.! We do not argue with science cause that would be arguing over words. Science can not tell you how God do anything but it can figure out what happens in some processes. We do not argue with religion because that would be arguing over words. We do not argue over conscience because that would be arguing over words. Stay with me I'm going to get you where you want to be. One Love!
Read all of James in the New Testament and then read all of 2 Peter in the New Testament.
The Martial Art In Church Fluid Elapse Ability Work with Faith Ministry Bring you Whole Holy in God with Body, Mind, Soul, Spirit keeping and building a Better Culture in America
Friday, April 29, 2016
Being made Holy by the Spirit's of God's Creator, Ancestral, Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit lesson 5 by WaziRi GuRu Varick Choice
Thursday, April 28, 2016
Enconter The Power Point Anointing For Mercy, Grace, Peace, Truth, & Love Lesson 4 by WaziRi GuRu Varick Choice
The Spirit's of God and Pervading influence Anoint, Empower, Equip, and Baptize Those that Conquer Them self in Self Leadership To Encounter The Power Point Grooming As a Roll Model, WaziRi, Prophet, or GuRu. Lesson 4
Being a Roll Model, WaziRi, Prophet, or GuRu is being a leader of self and that kind of leadership is not a position of office to dominate over other but to be a Warrior, yes a Good Shepherd. God The Creator God's Anointing, with God The Ancestral God's Anointing, with God The Holy Ghost God's Anointing with God the Holy Spirit God's Anointing is Almighty and empowering you to encounter the Gifts, and Blessing God give in your new found strength, skillful influence, persuasion, and graceful manipulation God will equip you for leadership of your people.
Under the control of God which is more of a feeling and doing moving your attitude and retorts in responsive articulation with your decision guiding you on what to do and say in righteousness God's vision and direction for his people. God had always work through us to better humanity thus encounter the power point when you are ready to lead it take Works with Faith knowing what God wants for humanity in his perfect creation.
Do not fear or be timidity but be of the power of love and self control in self discipline becoming well verse as a Zen master. This should be your ambition to live a quiet family life minding your own business while giving eye service to the Lord being honest always; To be a peace maker to build and help govern in a perfect world and society being civil we build as God's children for we are citizen and the democracy.
With the anointing to govern God gives the power to pull down strong holds and take your thoughts under control. List what strong hold do you still need to let go of in thoughts, feeling, desires, Emotions, habits, attitudes, and ambitions.
To be prepared to govern perfect is the goal in life, love, and living because the opposite of wrong is perfect, the opposite of error is correct, the opposite of right is left and the opposite of fair is just you must know these words and there opposite to govern and to stop being self righteous trapped in religion, and man made laws and rules. Yes free your mind so you can come to the truth of all things.
Again you must be able to come to the truth and never argue over words because you hear every word and can come to the truth. When you are with the Lord in body, mind, soul, and spirit you will stop rebel rousing and come to the truth about all things slowly but surely so stop thinking you are back sliding all the time life is a living process and you get better with age. We must have good works to build together as on race in humanity. If you have a hard time consenting to wholesome worlds you have life so work on it by undefiling and undefaming your heart and mind you have plenty of time to train yourself in grace, mercy, peace truth and love nothing or change rarely come over night, so then you can receive truth and live in the truth and love with God for God lives in truth and love, you get it.
Always remember simplicity is always correct or perfect in building a better you finding the god or goddess you are. All beginners start with this Formula from Fluid Elapse Ability called Maneuver(ing):
Simplicity = Pursuant to Excellence + humble + meek = Poise
+ love + grace = Presentation + virtue + integrity = Posture + truth = leader + wisdom = Attitude
You start with simplicity and live your life who you are in simplicity example ( you are a boy or a girl, you are a mother or a father, you are a son or a daughter, you are an aunt or an uncle, etc as kin; but you are more then just kin you are a student, our your job title, you are a friend, a lover or lovette etc ) and you establish your simplicity and truly start to live all your are you then = and move to the pursuant to excellence in all that you are add humble plus meek to your pursuant to excellence and you = Poise. You continue in the Formula until you get to the perfect or correct Attitude. enjoy your training of self. One Love.
Read all of Ecclesiastes in the Old Testament read it from beginning to end. Stay with me I will get you where you want to be study and do the home work. You are now entering the realm of Zen
The Martial Art In Church Fluid Elapse Ability Work with Faith Ministry living with God in Truth and Love
Being a Roll Model, WaziRi, Prophet, or GuRu is being a leader of self and that kind of leadership is not a position of office to dominate over other but to be a Warrior, yes a Good Shepherd. God The Creator God's Anointing, with God The Ancestral God's Anointing, with God The Holy Ghost God's Anointing with God the Holy Spirit God's Anointing is Almighty and empowering you to encounter the Gifts, and Blessing God give in your new found strength, skillful influence, persuasion, and graceful manipulation God will equip you for leadership of your people.
Under the control of God which is more of a feeling and doing moving your attitude and retorts in responsive articulation with your decision guiding you on what to do and say in righteousness God's vision and direction for his people. God had always work through us to better humanity thus encounter the power point when you are ready to lead it take Works with Faith knowing what God wants for humanity in his perfect creation.
Do not fear or be timidity but be of the power of love and self control in self discipline becoming well verse as a Zen master. This should be your ambition to live a quiet family life minding your own business while giving eye service to the Lord being honest always; To be a peace maker to build and help govern in a perfect world and society being civil we build as God's children for we are citizen and the democracy.
With the anointing to govern God gives the power to pull down strong holds and take your thoughts under control. List what strong hold do you still need to let go of in thoughts, feeling, desires, Emotions, habits, attitudes, and ambitions.
To be prepared to govern perfect is the goal in life, love, and living because the opposite of wrong is perfect, the opposite of error is correct, the opposite of right is left and the opposite of fair is just you must know these words and there opposite to govern and to stop being self righteous trapped in religion, and man made laws and rules. Yes free your mind so you can come to the truth of all things.
Again you must be able to come to the truth and never argue over words because you hear every word and can come to the truth. When you are with the Lord in body, mind, soul, and spirit you will stop rebel rousing and come to the truth about all things slowly but surely so stop thinking you are back sliding all the time life is a living process and you get better with age. We must have good works to build together as on race in humanity. If you have a hard time consenting to wholesome worlds you have life so work on it by undefiling and undefaming your heart and mind you have plenty of time to train yourself in grace, mercy, peace truth and love nothing or change rarely come over night, so then you can receive truth and live in the truth and love with God for God lives in truth and love, you get it.
Always remember simplicity is always correct or perfect in building a better you finding the god or goddess you are. All beginners start with this Formula from Fluid Elapse Ability called Maneuver(ing):
Simplicity = Pursuant to Excellence + humble + meek = Poise
+ love + grace = Presentation + virtue + integrity = Posture + truth = leader + wisdom = Attitude
You start with simplicity and live your life who you are in simplicity example ( you are a boy or a girl, you are a mother or a father, you are a son or a daughter, you are an aunt or an uncle, etc as kin; but you are more then just kin you are a student, our your job title, you are a friend, a lover or lovette etc ) and you establish your simplicity and truly start to live all your are you then = and move to the pursuant to excellence in all that you are add humble plus meek to your pursuant to excellence and you = Poise. You continue in the Formula until you get to the perfect or correct Attitude. enjoy your training of self. One Love.
Read all of Ecclesiastes in the Old Testament read it from beginning to end. Stay with me I will get you where you want to be study and do the home work. You are now entering the realm of Zen
The Martial Art In Church Fluid Elapse Ability Work with Faith Ministry living with God in Truth and Love
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Being or Becoming a Vessel of God Lesson 3 by WaziRi GuRu Varick Choice
Who's in control? Who's in control of the church? Who's in control of the Family? Who's in control of our lives? The Answer to those questions is Are you being a Vessel of God. Lesson 3
You know as well as I know the wrong person in control can, will and usually end in spelling disaster before disaster strikes from bad leadership. You are a god or goddess when you are a vessel of God made in his image thus you are the leader. Are you living a power filled and a powerful life? God will do for you what you can not do for yourself so don't be lazy be in control of you living a power filled and powerful life as the vessel of God be the leader of self like God left you in-charge of you then as a leader of self the leader does not possess the anointing the anointing possesses the leader as god or goddess of self. Yes God anointing to lead does not give a person possession of a position or control over a person or people but of self to shine as the vessel of God. Yes the anointing takes control of you.
Remember to keep your heart and mind pure and clean as good fruit so you can come to the truth; consent to wholesome word; and never be so self righteous that you begin to argue over words and can not hear the truth in what being said. It is important for you to know we are free to choose but are bond by that is chosen unless we are awaken to the truth and love yes unless we have and stand on and give mercy, grace, peace, truth and love.
You have to be the leader in your own life and build up your body, mind, soul, and spirit through good and wholesome living with food and exercise for food and exercise is the best medicine you can ever receive you are the temple of God you must do for you and stop waiting for God to do what you can do for yourself. If you love God then you love yourself and will take great care of his temple which is your temple and that in it self is a very appeasing offering to God. Being anointed for truth is being power filled and powerful as god or goddess enriching your life standing firm in grace, mercy, peace, truth and love bring great blessings and gifts in your life with work with faith in building a better, purer, stronger God filled you. Works increase faith so exercise you body, mind, soul, and spirit get in touch with yourself gets you close to God.
So don't poison your body with bad sex habits or do anything to cause harm to the temple of God. Over doing anything becomes bad for you. Eating to much food becomes bad for you, drinking to much water is bad for you so don't live your lives as a simpleton you know right from wrong and just start coming to the truth.
Read all Proverbs to help balance your mind and thought patterns to help you to become a Zen master. If you have been doing each lesson in order yes the first step before I start teaching the Art of War or how to fight using the martial art you have to conquer yourself and become a Zen master.
The Martial Art In Church Fluid Elapse Ability Work with Faith Ministry becoming a Vessel of God standing as a god or goddess Power Filled and Powerful with the Lord
You know as well as I know the wrong person in control can, will and usually end in spelling disaster before disaster strikes from bad leadership. You are a god or goddess when you are a vessel of God made in his image thus you are the leader. Are you living a power filled and a powerful life? God will do for you what you can not do for yourself so don't be lazy be in control of you living a power filled and powerful life as the vessel of God be the leader of self like God left you in-charge of you then as a leader of self the leader does not possess the anointing the anointing possesses the leader as god or goddess of self. Yes God anointing to lead does not give a person possession of a position or control over a person or people but of self to shine as the vessel of God. Yes the anointing takes control of you.
Remember to keep your heart and mind pure and clean as good fruit so you can come to the truth; consent to wholesome word; and never be so self righteous that you begin to argue over words and can not hear the truth in what being said. It is important for you to know we are free to choose but are bond by that is chosen unless we are awaken to the truth and love yes unless we have and stand on and give mercy, grace, peace, truth and love.
You have to be the leader in your own life and build up your body, mind, soul, and spirit through good and wholesome living with food and exercise for food and exercise is the best medicine you can ever receive you are the temple of God you must do for you and stop waiting for God to do what you can do for yourself. If you love God then you love yourself and will take great care of his temple which is your temple and that in it self is a very appeasing offering to God. Being anointed for truth is being power filled and powerful as god or goddess enriching your life standing firm in grace, mercy, peace, truth and love bring great blessings and gifts in your life with work with faith in building a better, purer, stronger God filled you. Works increase faith so exercise you body, mind, soul, and spirit get in touch with yourself gets you close to God.
So don't poison your body with bad sex habits or do anything to cause harm to the temple of God. Over doing anything becomes bad for you. Eating to much food becomes bad for you, drinking to much water is bad for you so don't live your lives as a simpleton you know right from wrong and just start coming to the truth.
Read all Proverbs to help balance your mind and thought patterns to help you to become a Zen master. If you have been doing each lesson in order yes the first step before I start teaching the Art of War or how to fight using the martial art you have to conquer yourself and become a Zen master.
The Martial Art In Church Fluid Elapse Ability Work with Faith Ministry becoming a Vessel of God standing as a god or goddess Power Filled and Powerful with the Lord
Winning The Conflict's of Life Lesson 2 by WaziRi GuRu Varick Choice
Every Thing is A Lot of Work. Yes! Every Thing is Hard Work What Ever You Want; What Ever You Do; What Every You Build Take Work and If You Seek Greatness It Is Going To Take Working Hard For The Achievement, Endeavor, Practice, Praxis, Or Just To Build Self and Especially to Build Another Person. Lesson 2
Now you have learned everyone who sound spiritual or a frend is not speaking from the spirit of God. Many religious spirits and frends sound good but they are not godly (Galatians 5:19-26). This is your time to test instead of being tested when you keep a undefiled heart and mind full of truth and love and able to come to the truth and can consent to wholesome word(s). Test, compare and evaluate every spiritual word(s) or frends word(s) you are to obey or follow make sure it wholesome and holy counsel of God's word(s) (Psalm 32:6-11). For God word(s) is not religion or man made laws or rules. Write down who God is then Write down who is Jesus and what they both have instructed you to do, then you can compare any word to the living and written word(s) and you will see God do not ask nor demand much of you. God is a guide guiding you to the best path of your life. It is your religion and frend or circles or gang, or crew, etc you run with that demand to much of you.
See if your answers have changed by lesson 12 so keep what you have wrote down for later for true enlightenment and edification of who is God and Jesus and what they ask and instruct.
Now we get God the Creator God caretaker of your body or flesh from the bible all religions and true church start with the Creator; Then after that we get God the Ancestral God from the bible caretaker of your Mind or Psyche start with the Ancestral; Then we get from the bible God the Holy Ghost God care taker of your Ghost or soul and Ora is the Holy Ghost; Then we get from the bible God the Holy Spirit God caretaker of your spirit or Ruah and breath is the Holy Spirit. The Quadruple God is the builder of Body, Mind, Soul and Spirit making us the temple of the one saying of God.
With in the saying or calling on God we have both God and Goddess the boy and girl essence of all life, love, and living or what I call the pink and blue essence of life, love, and living. We are Americans so we go by the girl pink and boy blue it is like the yin girl and yang boy. Again do not argue over words because we speak the English language we must go by the girl and boy essence we label pink and blue this ensure edification to Americans just as the orient speaks of chi and ki we are American we go by psy and che yes we go by psyche to ensure edification to Americans because just to say chi is so incomplete the Chinese did not complete explaining to us how to use it and just as saying ki by itself is so incomplete the Japanese did not complete telling us how to use it. Now don't get it twisted God has help and God helps one another and can enter any house at any time to give that help or essence I'm just giving you the basic break down if you want more you have to come train with the WaziRi GuRu Varick Choice.
The Boy and Girl essence should never be a conflict in your life we are made of both and will have children if you have a conflict with the Boy and Girl essence of life then you have problem with your heart and mind still being defiled and can not come to the truth nor can you consent to wholesome words. Boys are boys and Girls are girls we can act like our mom and dad traits but must be true to our sphere in life as boy or girl.
Boys are gods and are gods because a boy can have a million babies in 9 months. Boy always can have more babies as a god and never have to carry the baby through pregnancy. Girls are goddess and are goddess because they can only give birth to just a few babies every 9 months. Therefore our spheres in life are different. Our responsibility is the same but different. I will slow down here and give you more in the next lesson and allow you to absorb whats just been taught.
Read all of Galatians and then read all of Psalm pay attention to the battles of sex, and sexual behavior and realize what is the conflict in life is the devil and those that follow the devil's religion is the conflict in life. I will tell you what the devil's religion is later in another lesson if you can not figure it out. Do not start lesson 3 until you finish reading all that is instructed above.
The Martial Art In Church Fluid Elapse Ability Work With Faith Ministry of Healing, Mending, and Repairing Life, Love, and Living
Now you have learned everyone who sound spiritual or a frend is not speaking from the spirit of God. Many religious spirits and frends sound good but they are not godly (Galatians 5:19-26). This is your time to test instead of being tested when you keep a undefiled heart and mind full of truth and love and able to come to the truth and can consent to wholesome word(s). Test, compare and evaluate every spiritual word(s) or frends word(s) you are to obey or follow make sure it wholesome and holy counsel of God's word(s) (Psalm 32:6-11). For God word(s) is not religion or man made laws or rules. Write down who God is then Write down who is Jesus and what they both have instructed you to do, then you can compare any word to the living and written word(s) and you will see God do not ask nor demand much of you. God is a guide guiding you to the best path of your life. It is your religion and frend or circles or gang, or crew, etc you run with that demand to much of you.
See if your answers have changed by lesson 12 so keep what you have wrote down for later for true enlightenment and edification of who is God and Jesus and what they ask and instruct.
Now we get God the Creator God caretaker of your body or flesh from the bible all religions and true church start with the Creator; Then after that we get God the Ancestral God from the bible caretaker of your Mind or Psyche start with the Ancestral; Then we get from the bible God the Holy Ghost God care taker of your Ghost or soul and Ora is the Holy Ghost; Then we get from the bible God the Holy Spirit God caretaker of your spirit or Ruah and breath is the Holy Spirit. The Quadruple God is the builder of Body, Mind, Soul and Spirit making us the temple of the one saying of God.
With in the saying or calling on God we have both God and Goddess the boy and girl essence of all life, love, and living or what I call the pink and blue essence of life, love, and living. We are Americans so we go by the girl pink and boy blue it is like the yin girl and yang boy. Again do not argue over words because we speak the English language we must go by the girl and boy essence we label pink and blue this ensure edification to Americans just as the orient speaks of chi and ki we are American we go by psy and che yes we go by psyche to ensure edification to Americans because just to say chi is so incomplete the Chinese did not complete explaining to us how to use it and just as saying ki by itself is so incomplete the Japanese did not complete telling us how to use it. Now don't get it twisted God has help and God helps one another and can enter any house at any time to give that help or essence I'm just giving you the basic break down if you want more you have to come train with the WaziRi GuRu Varick Choice.
The Boy and Girl essence should never be a conflict in your life we are made of both and will have children if you have a conflict with the Boy and Girl essence of life then you have problem with your heart and mind still being defiled and can not come to the truth nor can you consent to wholesome words. Boys are boys and Girls are girls we can act like our mom and dad traits but must be true to our sphere in life as boy or girl.
Boys are gods and are gods because a boy can have a million babies in 9 months. Boy always can have more babies as a god and never have to carry the baby through pregnancy. Girls are goddess and are goddess because they can only give birth to just a few babies every 9 months. Therefore our spheres in life are different. Our responsibility is the same but different. I will slow down here and give you more in the next lesson and allow you to absorb whats just been taught.
Read all of Galatians and then read all of Psalm pay attention to the battles of sex, and sexual behavior and realize what is the conflict in life is the devil and those that follow the devil's religion is the conflict in life. I will tell you what the devil's religion is later in another lesson if you can not figure it out. Do not start lesson 3 until you finish reading all that is instructed above.
The Martial Art In Church Fluid Elapse Ability Work With Faith Ministry of Healing, Mending, and Repairing Life, Love, and Living
Saturday, April 23, 2016
Testing Spiritual Voices and Frends Friends Lesson 1 by WaziRi GuRu Varick Choice
Not every spiritual voice or frend voice you may hear as divine or supernatural is not to be obeyed. Now some people do not have a hearing to the spiritual voice or the frend voice you may hear as divine or supernatural. These people who do not have a hearing are ok and lucky because God has chosen them to live a life in total freedom. Leviticus 19:14 " Show your fear of God by treating the deaf with respect and by not taking advantage of the blind. I am the Lord."
These people usually will have a calling on their life you don't know about and God what them to have Freedom to come to that calling when ever they will come to it, yes that is to be free and to be dumb to the hearing of the divine or supernatural spirit or frend. These people hear and see everything normally in our normal world they are only deaf, dumb, and blind to the divine or supernatural spirit(s) or frend(s) hence God end the Leviticus 19:14 statement with I am the Lord so God is letting you know who property you are messing with. God don't want them talking to the divine or the supernatural spirit(s) or frend(s) to build what ever God has planed through them.
You see the spiritual voice or the frend voice has led their hearers and hearerettes down the wrong path of shame, contempt and humiliation, or down the road of folly and foolishness and yes you are being tested by God, yes testing you not you testing the spirit(s) or the frend(s). Are you trust worthy?, yes are you really trustworthy. What are you going to do with the innocent?, what are you going to do to the nieve?, what are you going to do with God's children?, What are you going to do against God?, it is the testing spirit testing you because are you going to allow some one in your house who will mess up what you built whom will not repent and refuse correction. The testing spirit or frend even test saints or do you think that good book is a lie?
Not every voice we hear is divine spirit's voice or from the lord just as not every frend voice is not a friend or from a friend, Jesus reveal's that he is the good shepherd and his sheep know his voice meaning they can come to the truth and consent to wholesome words that they have not defiled their hearts and minds.
You have to be careful who lay hands on you and what you are listening to and obeying. You must not defile your hearts and mind in corruption and corrupted ways.
Be confident you know God and Jesus because God and Jesus live in truth and love therefore this is a hand work out lesson for you to build your hearts and minds in truth and love by reading from the New Testament starting with Matthew and to read all of it, then read from the New Testament Ephesians all of it. For you are now on a quest in true Enlightenment and I the ExpoundReformer WaziRi GuRu Varick Camron Choice will get you where you need to be for the building and edification of body, mind, soul and spirit, so never just read verses read the whole chapter. One Love.
The Martial Art In Church Fluid Elapse Ability Work with Faith Ministry for the first step forward is to go back to tradition and build up your hearts and mind in Truth and Love for yours and ours live, life, love, and Living. One Love.
Friday, April 22, 2016
Choice, Varick Fluid Elapse Ability Warrior Prayer L.O.A
The Black National Anthem
By James Weldon Johnson
Music by Rosamond Johnson
The Warrior Prayer L.O.A.
By Choice, Varick
The Warrior Prayer L.O.A.
By Choice, Varick
The Arc of the Moral and Ethical Universe please love us and enlighten us We call upon the nourishment of the nourishing God of humanity Our Quadruple God master of the air, time, space, and pervading influences cherisher and sustainer of human kinds body, mind, soul, spirit, sustenance as God the Creator God, God the Ancestral God, God the Holy Ghost God, and God the Holy Spirit God bless be my name for I am the temple of God existing in body, mind, soul, and spirit made mortal and immortal Exuberant be within the blessings and gifts of your name Great Cherisher and Sustainer of my live, life, love,and living in your image we humans are made and cultivated with the gifts and blessings of individuality help us build a perfect society with a perfect government with a perfect family life for a nation is a bunch of united families as we represent the kingdom of God in my name I am asking in supplicant & supplicated appreciation.
The Martial Art In Church Fluid Elapse Ability
A Work with faith Ministry
By James Weldon Johnson
Music by Rosamond Johnson
The Warrior Prayer L.O.A.
By Choice, Varick
The Warrior Prayer L.O.A.
By Choice, Varick
The Arc of the Moral and Ethical Universe please love us and enlighten us We call upon the nourishment of the nourishing God of humanity Our Quadruple God master of the air, time, space, and pervading influences cherisher and sustainer of human kinds body, mind, soul, spirit, sustenance as God the Creator God, God the Ancestral God, God the Holy Ghost God, and God the Holy Spirit God bless be my name for I am the temple of God existing in body, mind, soul, and spirit made mortal and immortal Exuberant be within the blessings and gifts of your name Great Cherisher and Sustainer of my live, life, love,and living in your image we humans are made and cultivated with the gifts and blessings of individuality help us build a perfect society with a perfect government with a perfect family life for a nation is a bunch of united families as we represent the kingdom of God in my name I am asking in supplicant & supplicated appreciation.
The Martial Art In Church Fluid Elapse Ability
A Work with faith Ministry
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