Friday, April 29, 2016

Being made Holy by the Spirit's of God's Creator, Ancestral, Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit lesson 5 by WaziRi GuRu Varick Choice

The Spirit's of God's is real and very busy in our Live, Life, Love, and Living. Form is Essential to Function it Essence is in Humanity connected to God as a perfected Creation of god and goddess through Pervading Influence we are made whole holy and thus we are nourished. Lesson 5

            Fluid Elapse Ability members must memorize the poem " Path to Life " written by the WaziRi GuRu Varick Camron Choice to stay strong in principles and to be free to move with the currents of style, flavor, convenience, language, with cultural and technological transitions.  For The great Buda said " Consciousness troubled by desire cannot be freed and wisdom troubled by ignorance cannot be developed; one can make ones desires disappear by freeing ones mind thus making ignorance disappear by freeing one wisdom." 

                                Path To Life

            The correct path to life is simplicity keeping humble and meek creating love and grace embracing virtue with integrity and honor with dignity bathing daily in truth being true to oneself embracing enlightenment through wisdom finding jubilee through good judgment for the building blocks to life is both male and female you must build your habitat to create a beautiful ORA.

          Yes being made whole holy by God's Spirit's is real something we all have to go through to be whole holy perfect as self with our humanity. But how can you have a sound mind in today's world with out a culture?, and if you do not have a sound mind how can you be made whole holy? How did we get this far as Blacks, Afro Americans, African American, Niggas, Negros, Nigers, Moloto's, Half Breeds, Whites and Coloured people with out a culture?... The Real question who keep culture? How did we get lost?

            We have always had culture but can not find it because only the church keeps your culture and we have no church here in America that will keep our culture they bring us into there culture. 
            I love everybody and I do love white people but what was they going to do they had to give us something so they gave us they religion and we accepted it thus loosing our culture even though it is in front of us all the time. This is the major point to Fluid Elapse Ability to build a better culture for us as the BlackColoured man, because only the church is going to keep and hold your culture and pass it down generation to generation one nation under God. This is how we will heal our people and become whole holy because the bible state it clearly if you do not take care of your own then you are worst then an unbeliever. I am not going to turn this lesson into a history lesson, but it is important for you to know so God can have his perfect works making you whole holy in your body, mind, soul, spirit through a beautiful culture in the Martial Art in Church. 
            The true nature and essence of ministry is captured in the members culture as a Church and government, thus there is no such thing as separation of church and state or church and government. The correct statement of the proper separation is separation of religion and state or religion and government. Church is Body, Mind, Soul, and Spirit of which make up each person that is living in the State or Government hence it can not be separated. Religion can not be forced on anyone in this country so it must be separated from the State and the Government. Fluid Elapse Ability has no religion!!!!...... Fluid Elapse Ability just teach you to build the church which is body, mind, soul and spirit of which we are made of  church being the temple of God and to find your power through the martial art to get to your own Psyche as a god or a goddess that you are. Hence work with faith ministry. Fluid Elapse Ability also teach you to build your energy with the pervading influence that enter all our bodies, mind, soul, and spirits nourishing our life force that animates us or keep us in good health, healing us, etc that we call God. So what is God?, God is the air who formed all the planets in a perfect circle or sphere with his hands as air the creator of all life and the sustainer of all life. Everything come from the air thus everything come from God. The most powerful force know in the world is Air thus God. Who can really explain air? Nobody! Who can explain God Nobody, but Fluid Elapse Ability explains how God works with us. What is radio waves but air. Get It?, now you know God is real and live in you!.... 
            Therefore we never argue over words with science or the supernatural, nor consciences, nor religion because it is all real. Religion is some man made process that is Worsesome, Warsome, and Worrysome. Fluid Elapse Ability reject all religion and do not practice it. 

          Thus to be whole holy you need a good culture to stop being poor spiritually mentally and physically. God is air, time, and space and know who hasten forward and who lag behind thus God will do what you can not do for yourself. Yes God will also get your sustains from those who are not responsible for it be them thieves, trespasser, or frends. Thus you must have Works with Faith. 
         You have to live and live long to reach perfection for God to have his perfect works with you for you are the temple of God. You can't live 5 years and think God is done with you you are still growing and people use to live past 900 years old so we are truly children. When we encounter his holiness at work in us we discover that holiness mean being set apart and dedicated solely to God; being used by God for his purpose and will; being sexually pure before the Lord; being pure in motives, thoughts, and feelings. So be patent and wait on the Lord remember things take time for perfection to have perfect works. We are born babies and we grow to adults and we don't suppose to die we suppose to live forever. Death is failure. You would not drink poison if you do not want to die so why practice sexual immorality and shorten your life. 

            One of our most beautiful Holidays hand to us as part of our culture that has no religion in it is Kwanzaa. Kwanzaa give us the 7 principle to build and keep a beautiful culture and a thriving civilization through out the whole year is living by the 7 principle you must memorize for true edification and they are:

1) Unity
2) Self Determination
3) Collective Work and Responsibility
4) Cooperative Economic
5) Purpose
6) Creativity
7) Faith

Unity-To strive for and maintain unity in family, community, nation, culture, and race.

Self Determination- to define our selves, to name our selves,to speak for our selves, and to create for our selves, not to be defined or spoken for by others.

Collective Work and Responsibility- To build and maintain our community together and to make our brothers and sister problems our problems and to solve them together.

Cooperative Economic- To build and maintain our own shops and other businesses and to profit together from them businesses.

Purpose- To make as our collective vocation the building and developing  of our community in order to restore our people to there traditional and new creative greatness.

Creativity- To do always as much as we can in the way we can in order to leave our communities more beautiful and beneficial then when we inherited it.

Faith- To believe with all our hearts in our parents, in our teachers, in our leaders, in our people, in our selves, and the righteousness and victory of our struggles. 
          If you do not believe in God then you don't believe in air, so you can stop breathing and see how that works for you. Air is the invisible proof there is a God that cares for us for the only one who know how to arrange air and make water is God how to arrange air and make trees or matter or particle is God, the only one who know how to arrange air and make light and rays of energy is God . If you don't believe in radio waves then you don't believe in science and science believe in air and radio wave and atoms so who is putting all this air together to make all this stuff yeah I told you we do not argue over words, it just magic that put all the air together, its the wind, or gravity, or a magnetic force, it is a miracle, yeah it is God.! We do not argue with science cause that would be arguing over words. Science can not tell you how God do anything but it can figure out what happens in some processes. We do not argue with religion because that would be arguing over words. We do not argue over conscience because that would be arguing over words. Stay with me I'm going to get you where you want to be. One Love!
            Read all of James in the New Testament and then read all of 2 Peter in the New Testament.  

The Martial Art In Church Fluid Elapse Ability Work with Faith Ministry Bring you Whole Holy in God with Body, Mind, Soul, Spirit keeping and building a Better Culture in America 

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