Saturday, April 23, 2016

Testing Spiritual Voices and Frends Friends Lesson 1 by WaziRi GuRu Varick Choice

Warrior's are Good Shepherds thus you must Acknowledge wholesome words and be able to come to the truth. Lesson 1
            Not every spiritual voice or frend voice you may hear as divine or supernatural is not to be obeyed. Now some people do not have a hearing to the spiritual voice or the frend voice you may hear as divine or supernatural. These people who do not have a hearing are ok and lucky because God has chosen them to live a life in total freedom. Leviticus 19:14 " Show your fear of God by treating the deaf with respect and by not taking advantage of the blind. I am the Lord."
            These people usually will have a calling on their life you don't know about and God what them to have Freedom to come to that calling when ever they will come to it, yes that is to be free and to be dumb to the hearing of the divine or supernatural spirit or frend. These people hear and see everything normally in our normal world they are only deaf, dumb, and blind to the divine or supernatural spirit(s) or frend(s) hence God end the Leviticus 19:14 statement with I am the Lord so God is letting you know who property you are messing with. God don't want them talking to the divine or the supernatural spirit(s) or frend(s) to build what ever God has planed through them.
            You see the spiritual voice or the frend voice has led their hearers and hearerettes down the wrong path of shame, contempt and humiliation, or down the road of folly and foolishness and yes you are being tested by God, yes testing you not you testing the spirit(s) or the frend(s). Are you trust worthy?, yes are you really trustworthy. What are you going to do with the innocent?, what are you going to do to the nieve?, what are you going to do with God's children?, What are you going to do against God?, it is the testing spirit testing you because are you going to allow some one in your house who will mess up what you built whom will not repent and refuse correction. The testing spirit or frend even test saints or do you think that good book is a lie?  
            Not every voice we hear is divine spirit's voice or from the lord just as not every frend voice is not a friend or from a friend, Jesus reveal's that he is the good shepherd and his sheep know his voice meaning they can come to the truth and consent to wholesome words that they have not defiled their hearts and minds.
            You have to be careful who lay hands on you and what you are listening to and obeying. You must not defile your hearts and mind in corruption and corrupted ways.
            Be confident you know God and Jesus because God and Jesus live in truth and love therefore this is a hand work out lesson for you to build your hearts and minds in truth and love by reading from the New Testament starting with Matthew and to read all of it, then read from the New Testament Ephesians all of it. For you are now on a quest in true Enlightenment and I the ExpoundReformer WaziRi GuRu Varick Camron Choice will get you where you need to be for the building and edification of body, mind, soul and spirit, so never just read verses read the whole chapter. One Love.

 The Martial Art In Church Fluid Elapse Ability Work with Faith Ministry for the first step forward is to go back to tradition and build up your hearts and mind in Truth and Love for yours and ours live, life, love, and Living. One Love.

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