Thursday, April 6, 2017

Passover The First Fast of the Year for Fluid Elapse Ability's Members Cleansing Mind, Body, Soul, & Spirit

            We are living in the year 2017 and the first fast of the year is approaching for all Fluid Elapse Ability members. 

Passover is the first fast of the year starting April 10, 2017 thru April 16, 2017.

Good Friday is on April 14 2017 and Easter is on April 16, 2017 all part of the first fast for Fluid Elapse Ability members. Easter is the only Holiday of the year we cannot eat meat because we fast by eating Vegetarian.

Yes We fast by eating Vegetarian we do not hurt the temple of God by starving it, we purify our Minds, Body, Soul, and Spirits during this time by eating Vegetarian all through Passover starting April10th thru April 18th. Eating Vegetarian is just a part of fasting helping to purify the Body but we
have to purify the whole temple so we have to purify our Minds with good thoughts feasting on purpose, love, hobbies, and enlightenment; fasting of the soul starts with being on your best behavior with physical exercise and athletic, good games or arts and crafts things that get you back in touch with you who you are and what you really love to do; Fasting starts with the Spirit by stretching exercises we in Fluid Elapse Ability call Gratification of the Body because the stretching exercise allow you to gratify you Body, Mind, and Soul with the Spirit; you do many different stretches as in track or yoga while meditating. You should meditate by breathing listening to your breath and feeling your Spirit fill up and flow through your Body, Mind, Soul, while you walk, run, watch T.V., etc... Study about one of the Prophets in Fluid Elapse Ability or all of them. Remember we are not religious but we do do God as the temple of God and show our respect to God by cleaning up his Temple, yes you are the temple of God. 

Enjoy Celebrating the Holidays of Passover, Good Friday, and Easter how you want but please fast to show your respect to God in a appreciation of yourself by taking good care of you and getting in more me time during the fast. Instruct your family to get in me time during the fast by Fasting the Fluid Elapse Ability way. 

When you start this practice you will grow eager for these holidays to come back
around so God will fill you with gifts and blessing because you are God's dwelling place you put in the work being a miracle to self with faith for you will eagerly expect God whom dwell in every miracle. Yes you are a miracle and this type of fasting fills you with God. 

Remember a gift is given to each of us as a means of helping the entire church and Church is Body, Mind, Soul and Spirit of which we are all part of God's Church to be on one accord to build better lives for ourselves to live in the promise of Jesus and to have abundantly working together so self must maintain mental, physical, soulful and spiritual good health to maintain good politics, culture, tribe, nation, race, family,  and government.    

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