Saturday, April 29, 2017
The Bureau of Blackcolour Affairs/ Fluid Elapse Ability
Objective: To establish our emancipation from slavery by reestablishing our own heritage in Tribal governance as Church & Tribe.
Who Are we:
We are the Blackcolour Tribe of the United States of America. We are native born Americans who are & is born and bread United States Citizens part of the ethnic groups called Blacks, Native Americans, Indians, African Americans, Negros, Half Breeds, Mixed, Mulattos, Whites and Colours.
To establish our heritage as one race of people as United States Citizens and Tribe to have sanity to be clear who we are and what we are as a race with our customs, culture, heritage and ancestral lineal decadency. To escape from those who live their live in error escaping the unfair practices of racism, bigotry, slavery, and oppress by uniting together and running our own towns, villages, cities, states, and country with our own tribal governance.
We have the same custom as all United States Citizens respecting all United States Holidays and Tradition while expressing our Tribal background as Blackcolour's in the United States of America being Church & Tribe of Fluid Elapse Ability the Martial Art In Church.
Every culture in the world is our culture being born and breed in the United States of America because we are raised up in the melting pot we share every culture there is in the customs of socialization in the United States Of America as Citizens.
Being or becoming a member of Fluid Elapse Ability you are enrolled in the Tribe; the Bureau keeps records of every member ancestry to maintain cultural identity as Tribal Blood and lineage of Church & Tribe.
We are in a Emergency State we must heal our Bodies, our Minds, our Souls, and our Spirits Tribally:
We are raped and ravished as a people taught to be ashamed, embarrassed, and humiliated of self. We are miss educated on purpose with religion and public schools enslaving our humanity and keeping us divided hence we never manage our own cooperative economics and governance. We are lied to by religion and taught our own church of Voodou that is in the Bible of which every Prophet in the Bible called upon and used is wrong and bad as they call it Black Magic because it is our church and tribe and we have always found great power and wisdom from God.
The slightest drop of Black blood or lineage and you can not become white; that is a fact.
We must remove ourselves from the Jurisdiction of Racist and Bigots and Restore our Liberty as a Tribe and build our Black cities up under our own governance as Church & Tribe.
Church is not religion and we must have separation from religion and state and all that force onesided justice; but we can not and will not separate church for state for church is our Bodies, Minds, Soul, and Spirit which is much needed for the proper delegation and governance of ourselves as Blackcolour People.
We must establish ourselves as a Race as Tribe to stop all the crime in our community brought on by poverty & division of cooperative economics in governance and education We must stop the raising and up bring of degenerates so we can stop feeling the pain of facing Extermination and worthlessness.
We must stop trying to pull ourselves up and stop allowing bigots and racist to govern us pushing us down we must Build and Build our world and society with out any one's permission to do so.
We must stop spreading lies to our selves and our children and speak the God given truth to who we are for even as we where enslaved our ancestors still manage to invent and innovate everything you see and use in this county today from coat hooks to dish liquid from ice cream to open heart surgery our medicine make up the medicine of today taken for our Voodou doctors and medicine men, departments bicycle all created from the genius of the black man and much much much more as we have always managed to out build and create our enslavers.
Every culture and race social achievement is that of the blackmans no matter what part of the globe they come from we must return to our greatness by achieving NO SELL OUT and use our inventions and innovations to rebuild our own world and culture and stop selling out to individual profit just to be re-enslaved to capitalism all over again we must believe in ourselves as church and Tribe and regain our own stability in our own craftsmen and gardeners.
It is a well know fact that every time the Blackman rebuild himself and his cities that the bigots and racist come through with the unlawful use of violence and disease tare us right back down we must be Warriors and Worriorettes as politicians getting rid of all the unnecessary brought on by Bigotry and Racism and yes people homosexuality lead the way in bigotry and racism today forcing onesided justice and psychosis.
Look we are all born male or female and all share the same constitutional rights as male and female. No one should get special rights because of their bedroom behavior nor pass laws for human mutilations to remove their arms and feet to get fins put on because they feel they are a fish; that is supporting a psychotic behavior which have no place in governance. No one have the right to openly flaunt sexuality in public and by flaunting your homosexuality it is flaunting sexuality and sensuality in public which is the only politics homosexuals have to gain rights no body else have or should have in this country.
Black people have always created civilization and there is nothing more civil then Tribe. It is recorded in history that blacks have always lived in Africa and with the coming of Noah's flood the continents was formed so it is clear to us that Blacks are the original native Americans of North and South America's for it had separated from Africa Thus having survivors of surviving Black people.
We know that Blacks ruled the world through science and education and traveled the global, even as it is recorded in white history that Africa or Blacks had 9 gods and 4 Hemisphere which is North America, South America, Africa and that the 4 hemisphere was neutral being Europe and Asia. We know for a fact that India has always been a Black country just as Austria has always been a black country and that white Europeans did not have knowledge of the America's and when Christopher Columbus got to America he thought he was in India because he saw Black Tribal People.
Being Tribal is not being a backwards people like we have been tricked to believe being tribal is to have an advanced civilization. Therefore Black people are the Native Indians and like voting with out the army being sent out blacks would not have been given the right to vote, as history has it the army never came out to allow Blacks to be able to enlist themselves as native born and the tribe they come from using the same tactics that denied blacks the right to vote, there freedom, and there civil rights gave birth to the 5 dollar Indians who where white people who paid 5 dollars to be able to list themselves as native American and Blacks was denied and ran of as history have it there reservation to reservation with out the help of the United States of America and it's army to stop the injustice being done to the Blackman thus denying Blacks the rightful claim to their lineal ancestry as the original native Americans.
Every ethic group that is not pure white is Black made from black people hence the fear of bigots and racist that the world will become black because the children inherit the earth. The truth is the world has been black for a long time. Any drop of black lineage you have no matter how small you are black hence the children have been inheriting the earth and this rainbow of flesh ain't going know where it's glory!, as the most beautiful and attractive race of people will always be Blackcolour people in the rainbow of flesh from dark skin to light skin.
We refuse to Exert our selves by pushing up or pulling down we are going to live in simplicity and build our world in our own governance, in our own customs, in our own culture in our own country, in our own Nation, out of our own creative genius.
We are Blackcolour People the most beautiful race in the world we are everything and every one we are almighty true Fluid Elapse Ability free of Bigotry and Racism because we do not see Black and White we see Mom, Dad, Grandpa, Grandma, Uncle, Aunt, Sister, Brother, Cousin, and Friend. We see CHURCH & TRIBE.
Did you know if you mix RED, WHITE, & BLUE together that you will get every color of the rainbow coming right back to Black. God do not make mistakes he made us in his image as gods and goddess and it is time we act like it and stop listening to rebelrousers and just build our own CHURCH & TRIBE Fluid Elapse Ability.
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